12 ✿⁠

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Xie Lian wakes up at 3 AM in the morning to his phone ringing loudly. As he checked who was calling him.. it was... His aunt? He answers the phone.

"Auntie, why are you calling me late in the night.." he asked, yawning

"Xie-Xie, I am so sorry to interrupt your rest but.. this isn't your auntie right now. It's your uncle, you see; Aunt Liu only a few months to live. She has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Please come here and spend time with your family.. we will also be leaving the company to you. When your aunt dies, that is. Please Xie-Xie.." His uncle said, the voice being full of sadness and concern.

As Xie Lian was trying to process this news, he didn't have a care for the world. His family meant so much to him "Okay, Uncle. I will be there in 2 days, just give me some time to tell my friends and I'll start packing."

"Okay, Xie-Xie. Take care." His uncle hangs up.

Xie lian sighs heavily, how was he going to tell his friends about this? He can't just go.. "Hey there San lang and Qingxuan! My aunt is dying and I need to go! Bye!" Because it'll hurt his friends' feelings.

As he pondered about how he was gonna tell his friends, he just decided on telling them straight forwardly. There isn't any use on sugarcoating it anyway.

He gets ready for the day and texts his friends if they we're available. Surprisingly, they were free today. He schedules a meet up at the park and waits there patiently for his friends to arrive.

Xie Lian waits for around 20 minutes for his friends to arrive at the park and when they did, he thought of hanging out for abit.

"Gege, why did you call schedule a meet up?" Hua Cheng asked as he orders some ice cream at the lil' ice scream cart

"Yeah, Xie Lian, why?" Qingxuan shoves the strawberry ice cream straight into his mouth

"Uhm.. I'll tell you... Later!.." Xie lian smiled weakly as they continue hanging out until the afternoon.

Xie Lian thought it was the right time to tell them and sighed heavily. "Guys, I have something to tell you" he looks to the ground

"What is it, gege?"

"Xie-gege, what is it??"

"I.. need to go to another country, my aunt is dying and they're leaving the company to me. It means I might never come back here or come back in a long, long time. I'm so sorry. I will be leaving in two days." Xie lian broke the news to them

"What?.." Qingxuan's eyes fill up with tears. He couldn't afford to loose his best friend of 15 years! It hurt him to know the fact that they might never see eachother again..

"Gege? what do you mean?.." the news broke Hua Cheng's heart. he couldn't loose his one and only true love. Yes, Hua Cheng had always taken a romantic liking to Xie Lian a few months ago. Even if their friendship hasn't  been a year, he still thought that Xie Lian was a great guy.

"What i mean is, i am moving away. I'm so sorry for this.." Xie Lian apologized

Shi Qingxuan wipes away his tears that we're dripping down his face "But.. we will still be able to chat and video call everyday, right?"

"Of course we still will, Qingxuan." Xie Lian said, trying his best to comfort Shi Qingxuan.

Hua Cheng didn't have a choice but to accept this fact. "We will miss you dearly, gege."

"I will miss both of you too! so so much!" Xie Lian tightly hugs his 2 friends tightly as the both of them hug back.

Two days have past and Xie Lian and Qi Rong we're bidding goodbye to their friends. Well, only Xie Lian was saying goodbye since.. Qi Rong didn't exactly have friends because of his attitude.

As their flight arrived, Xie Lian and Qi Rong get on the plane. but before that, Xie Lian hugs his friends tightly. 

Shi Qingxuan watches the plane fly away while he cries of sadness. He will miss his best friend so much. While Hua Cheng watched the plane leave, a few tear drops falling off of his face.


The 3 of them remained close, they always had phone calls and always texted. Xie Lian tells his friends about his day. Hua Cheng always laughed at Xie Lian's funny stories and so does Shi Qingxuan.

But.. for Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, their feelings for eachother grew more every single day. Even if the trio hasn't seen eachother in 3 years! Xie Lian is now 28, Hua Cheng is 27, and Shi Qingxuan is 27 as well!

But, little do the two of them know... Xie Lian had planned a surprise visit in a few weeks! he couldn't wait to see them! he missed them so so much


As the plane landed in Shanghai, China. he eagerly waited for the captain to announce that it is safe to get off of the plane. After he got off, he took a taxi going to the cafe that Shi Qingxuan owned.

He entered the cafe. Luckily for him, there were no customers at this time! Shi qingxuan got out of the staff room to greet and take the order of whoever that was but when he saw it was Xie Lian... he gasped in shock and started tearing up!

He tackles Xie Lian to the ground while hugging him tightly "XIE-GEGE! I MISSED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" he started sobbing on Xie Lian's shoulder "YOU ASSHOLE, I MISSED YOU!"

Xie Lian couldn't help but laugh "Ahaha! Oh, i missed you too Qingxuan!" he hugged back "By the way, how is Hua Cheng?" he pulled away from Qingxuan's embrace

"He's doing pretty well! he goes to therapy now. I barely see him though!"

"Well... wanna go find him?" Xie Lian smiled

"HELL YEAH!" Qingxuan stood up from the ground and pulled Xie Lian up

the two got in Shi Qingxuan's car and buckled themselves up. Theydrove to Hua Cheng's modern mansion and rang the doorbell by the gate. It took a few minutes before Hua Cheng came down and went outside; when he realized Xie Lian was there, he couldn't help but rush to hug him tightly with a big and bright smile.

"Gege! welcome back! i missed you so much!" Hua Cheng greeted ecstatically. Xie Lian hugs back.

─────── ʚ ♡ ɞ ───────

I am so sick of this fanfic I cant wait for this shit to finally be over, im so fucking tired of trying to make everything make sense 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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