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✿; "He owns a business?"

✿; "He owns a business?"

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─────── ʚ ♡ ɞ ───────

After xie lian arrives at his house, he immediately thought of researching this man that just now gave him his number.

'San lang' looked too formal to be just some regular person, he looked more like a business man.

'There was a company nearby the cafe, right? Maybe he worked there' xie lian thought to himself, it was kinda weird that that was the first thing he thought of to research


'hmm, is there a page that can provide some of the staff's names and faces? If not, I guess I'll just look for him on Facebook.'

Xie lian clicks on a link that leads him to the information of the company. Some of the head staff were there but not their faces... Xie lian just clicked around with the links provided on the information of the company till he came across the company's Facebook link


e clicks the link and looks at the company's posts, he didn't see much honestly. He only saw these 'HIRING!' or 'DAY OFF!' posts which was useless.

Though he saw one post, JUST ONE that contained the CEO's face. It looked like San lang!

Xie lian opens a different tab and searches for Hua Inc.'s ceo

The page that he opened said that the man's name is 'Hua Cheng' and was 24 years old! He also looked EXACTLY like San lang.

"He owns a business? How lovely!" Xie lian said outloud, closing all the tabs that he had used for stalking San lang or just trying to find out who he is

Xie lian shuts off his laptop, puts it aside, and goes to bed.

Xie Lian's Bedroom | 8:10 AM

Xie lian woke up from a lovely sleep, he dreamt of getting a good raise at the cafe sooner or later! That was how good his sleep was

Xie lian grabs a hair tie and ties his hair up in a bun to start his morning routine like usual

He first stretches and then puts on his slippers and heads to the kitchen to eat breakfast before taking a warm shower in his bathroom

He prepares himself a few pancakes with maple syrup poured on top of it. He grabs himself a glass of milk and starts to feast on his breakfast

After eating, he grabs his towel and makes his way to his bathroom to bathe and get ready for his shift at Baihe Cafe!

He strips off his clothes and heads in the shower and starts bathing himself

On The Bus | 9:40 AM

Xie lian had taken a bus that drives him to the place where the cafe he worked at was at

After around 20 minutes later, he had arrived at Baihe Cafe! He was just in time for work. Not too late, not too early

The cafe was already opened by shi qingxuan, his boss and bestfriend of 10 years. The two had thought that creating this cafe would be a good idea to make money and meet some 'cuties', the cutie part was qingxuan's words.

"XIE XIEEE! Your here! Eeek!" Qingxuan ecstatically said with his usual wide and happy smile

"Mhm, I'm here. Now, quiet down! Your disturbing the customers." Xie lian scolded qingxuan before going to the staff only room

The only people who worked there was, Qi Rong, Xie lian's cousin,and  Shi Qingxuan, Xie lian's bestfriend!

At Lunch Time | 12:03 PM

Rush hour! It was time for the line to almost reach outside of the cafe. Baihe Cafe reached its popularity quickly for their delicious meals and coffee that wasn't too hot or neither too cold.

Once hua cheng arrived at the cafe, the line barely even fit inside because of how long it is! It annoyed hua cheng because of the long ass line he had to wait before ordering his daily dose of caffeine

After around like 10 minutes, it was finally his turn to order! The one who was taking his order was none other than Xie lian

"Ah! San lang, welcome back! What would you like to order?" Xie lian said with a warm and welcoming smile

"Hmm, I'd like the strawberry shortcake and some plain coffee." Hua cheng replied with his order


"IM NOT DEAF YOU HOMOSEXUAL, I HEARD THAT!" Qi Rong yelled back, making the other customers giggle at his words

"Sorry about the uh.. cook! He's abit moody and rude haha!.." xie lian awkwardly chuckled

"It's no worries, gege. Though I do have a question." Hua Cheng said

"Hm? What is it?" Xie lian asked, wondering what it was

"Would you like to be friends?" Hua Cheng asked with respect towards xie lian

"Of course! It's no problem, I received your number, didn't I?" Xie lian said. He is a friendly person actually, he likes making friends

"Ah, yes." Hua cheng replied

"Alright! I'll text you later, here's your order by the way!" Xie lian handed over hua cheng's order "Have a lovely day at work, San lang!" Xie lian waved as a sign of saying goodbye

Lunch break | 1:46 PM

"Damn, xie lian! Who was that hottie you talked with earlier?" Qingxuan curiously asked, eyes glimmering of excitement on what would be xie lian's answer

"That whore probably fucked him." Qi rong angrily ate his meal

"Shut up, Qi Rong! But anyway, he's just a new friend. His name is San lang!" Xie lian replies to shi qingxuan's question with a smile

"THATS SO COOL! HE LOOKS LIKE HUA INC.'S HUA CHENG!" Qingxuan accidentally said too loudly

"He is. I researched about him last night." Xie lian took a bite from his salad

Qingxuan made a weird expression then immediately took out his phone to... Message someone. And that someone was He Xuan, one of his bestfriends

He Xuan | 📷📞

Yo, xie lian met hua Cheng

Ykyk the guy from hua inc

He Xuan
So what?

They became friends

How much do u wanna bet that they become a couple

He Xuan
100 bucks.


"Qingxuan... What was that..." Xie lian worriedly asked, afraid on what qingxuan texted he xuan

"It's... Nothing! Trust me! NOW GET TO WORK!" Qingxuan stands up quickly and rushes outside to avoid any more of xie lian's questions

─────── ʚ ♡ ɞ ───────
This chapter sucked, srry for barely uh updating

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