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It was a rainy evening and Harry absolutely hates it.

Not because he normally hates rain but because he's coming back from work now and he didn't bring his umbrella or raincoat because according to the weather report, it should've been a sunny evening!

But apparently, God has decided to pull a uno reverse card with this damp evening. He takes the tube to go to work and back from work and from the station he has to walk back to his apartment. And mind you that's a twenty-minute walk so yeah, he was completely drenched when he got back.

"Happy Birthday Harry!!!!" a collection of voices echoed as soon as he stepped into his apartment. He hasn't even got time to switch on the lights before the group of voices decided to pop the party popper at him. That's just fantastic now, isn't it?

"Uh-oh", Niall mumbled when he stood there in the doorway like baby Tarzan with head hanging low, completely drenched, and all the star and heart-shaped glitter papers sticking onto him awkwardly.

"Thank you so much, guys", he spoke through gritted teeth, still looking down at himself. He's so fucking mad at everything that even his hands started to shake.

He heard a snicker at the end of the hallway before it turned into a burst of full-blown laughter. And Harry knows that one, he knows that laugh. The one he's dying to hear every day in his life since he got to know him. How can he not? He's in love with that laugh. He's in love with the owner of that laugh.

"Sorry babe", Zayn laughed even more when Harry looked up and he can't help the smile that took over his grumpy kitten face.

"Sorry Harry", Louis genuinely looked apologetic before grinning and walking over to engulf him in one of his hugs reserved for his best friends.

"Louis! I'm gross!" he laughed as he tried to push him away but settled back to hugging him anyway. Niall joined their hug while his other friends Janet, Chris, Naira, Matt, Dan, and Tom just stood there grinning.

While the others just shook his hands to wish him, Zayn leapt forward and swept him off his feet in a bridal hold.


"Happy Birthday Babe!", Zayn grinned as he carried him to his bedroom. The others just laughed at it and went back to whatever they were busy working on.

"Put me down, you moron!"

"I will", Zayn laughed and put him down when they reached his attached bathroom. "Now go, clean up yourself and wear the dress I've specifically picked up for you which is on your bed. Bye!" he clicked the door shut and Harry sighed as he focused on the retreating footsteps.

His best friend is one big idiot!

Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Louis met during their university days in States. It was nice knowing that even when being away from home and some people can still make you feel at home. These three were those people to Harry. Mainly Zayn.

Zayn was Harry's roommate for all four years he was there at NYU. Harry had a crush on this incredible boy who brings him coffee every morning and sings him lullabies when he looks afar and misses home. Zayn always had his ways to calm Harry down when he was too frantic or getting Harry to live life when he was too much of a sloth to move. And people who know Harry know that fact, that Zayn is Harry's rock.

When Harry figured out that yeah maybe he likes boys too and he very much likes Zayn and not just as a friend, it was too late. Too late because Zayn started dating Emma, Harry's classmate whom Harry introduced to Zayn. Harry regretted introducing her to him every night, but he couldn't be jealous now, could he? He should be happy that Zayn is happy. But he can't.

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