"Rova!" He growled causing me to giggle.

He flipped us over and reached the back of my bra unclasping it and removing it. He growled at the sight of my chest and went straight to sucking on my left breast while kneading the other. I moaned out loud not caring if somebody heard. He switched and went to my right while kneading the left. I was moaning and grinding on him feeling so close. He moved his lips back to mine capturing all of my moan's.
I don't know when or how but he managed to get both my underwear and skirt off without me noticing. The kiss was getting hotter and hotter when he began to grind his clothed lower half into me. I became irritated and quickly ripped off his boxers before flipping us over to where I straddled his waist once again and decided to tease him to see how long he could last. I leant down and started placing kisses across his chest sucking on his nipples and kissing in between his abs before I made my way back up. Once I got to his mouth I grinded down hard onto him without letting him enter causing a low groan to come from his throat and his hand's to grip tightly onto my hips.

I ran my core over his member letting the tip enter every now and again torturing the both of us before he growled loudly and gripped my hip's hard enough to hurt and slammed me onto his awaiting member. I gasped at the intrusion before riding him bringing us both closer to what we've been looking for. We both hit our peaks discovering ecstasy together and I once again felt my canines come out and latched onto Adonis's neck causing him to yell. I let go after a few minute's and fell off of him and onto my back breathing in and out roughly trying to catch my breath. My assumptions on how both men were in bed have been correct. Eros was more gentle and loving when we mated and Adonis was more rough.

I laid there beside him for several minutes before my body felt like it was on fire.

What the hell?

I groaned and started to rub my hand's against my skin to get the burning to stop. I was in need of something. Something to take the pain away. I felt a pair of hand's upon my skin and lips across my chest that cooled me down half way. I slightly groaned again as I heard the door slam open and then close. I didn't open my eye's to see who walked in on us since I was still dealing with the burning. All of a sudden I felt another pair of hand's and lips on me causing me to let out the loudest moan. The burn went away and all I could feel was immense pleasure and an almost completeness. I heard two different groans and then I was suddenly on my knee's on the bed with a body in front of me and a body behind.
I was to into the pleasure to open my eye's to see who was who but I knew it was my mates in bed with me. Both bodies were pressed tightly against mine and I could feel immediately that they were naked. Both had their lips on the mark each created and were kissing and licking. I can't even put into word's of the feeling that washed over me of having them both touch their mark's at the same time. It's a good thing I'm on my knees squished between them both because if not I would have fell right over and melted into a puddle. It was all too much.

I began to grind on both of the guy's lower area's silently asking what I wanted and being rewarded with two moan's that were music to my ears.
I felt the body in front of me move their hand's across my stomach to my hip's, holding them in a vice-like grip and lifting me up to where I was straddling them with the body in the back to keep me from falling backwards. The body behind me gripped my behind causing me to growl in lust and slowly moved their hand's to my breast's cupping and kneading them then the body in front slammed into me and I gasped out, my area still sensitive with all of the earlier action. He began to move in and out as the person behind kept feeling my breast's.

And then I gasped as one of my mate's behind me started to slowly enter me and there was pain. He started off slow for me to get used to it and then started to pick up speed as I leat out a moan of pain and pleasure. Both men pumped into me at a steady pace as I moaned uncontrollably.
One of them were sucking on my neck while rocking into me and the other kissing me while doing the same. My hand's were on the shoulder's of the one in front of me and I was leant back in the other's chest. We were all three lost in each other. We went at it for a while before I was left screaming out both of their name's and them mine. I felt absolutely complete. Like all of this was suppose to happen.
We fell onto the bed with sweat covered bodies. Adonis on my right and Eros on my left. Both had their arm's wrapped around me and head's on my chest.

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