19. first mision

Comincia dall'inizio

"We spread the information among the hunters: we told them that there are a lot of supernatural beings in that house that want to be killed. They have agreed to kill them in two nights, the poor idiots will end up all dead, but they will do us a favor, they will entertain them while we slip away."

The owner of that comment had been Raven Wilson, the most superficial and shameless witch of them all. Her feet moved for her own interests, and from her mouth came titles and achievements of her family or the powerful lineage of her students, which made her feel even more important. Lilith didn't like that. The most important people in her life were hunters, she had been raised respecting and admiring the work of the Winchesters and Bobby, she didn't have that grounded hatred of her colleagues. However, the strategy wasn't stupid, and she accepted it with bitterness.

"I called you because, even though we will attack, I cannot promise to rescue your mother. In the previous attempt, we did not allow students to volunteer because it was extremely dangerous and they were inexperienced. In this case, we will allow it, but with strict rules to abandon at the slightest sign of danger. If Rowena sees you ready, you can participate and you will do so under the same conditions."

Lilith immediately turned to her mentor for the answer. To be honest, she believed she was ready, it was what she wanted most in life.

"I think she's ready," Rowena said to Pandora. Lilith smiled with her soul, feeling relieved and completely grateful for her decision, "but she'll do what we agreed on: the students in a group and they'll take care of the surroundings. She doesn't have the pearl of mind control and she's one of the most important ones to face large amounts of monsters at the same time."

"Excellent," spoke Sage Ali, the strictest and most reserved mentor. She was sitting in an individual armchair near the fireplace, with her legs crossed and her perfectly pressed brown suit. Her thin, high eyebrows looked over round, small glasses. "If we're finished with the girl's issue, we can move on to the second part of the meeting."

"Yes, Sage," Pandora agreed. "Lilith, please tell Edith to come in, and you can go back to your room."

Once in her room, Lilith felt like she was in her second home, her refuge and her effort. She had missed the mess, or as Lilith saw it, the expressiveness of a deranged mind. It was nothing like the first time, she had transformed it into the outline of her training. She managed to keep the environment separate, on one side her bedroom where she rested and did anything but magic, and through a door, her noisy way of studying began. She had brought a two-meter blackboard, set up her own magical herb garden, and copied Singer's style of stacking piles of books and papers on the floor. It was a complete mess with cauldrons on tables, books in corners, hung amulets, and drawn symbols. If the brothers saw what she had set up, they wouldn't see her the same way again. For the young witch, it was her refuge and where she had never cried. She felt that she was working to save her mother and felt strong there.

Finally, the moment had come, they were going to launch an attack. Lilith was dying to leave. She took combat and training classes with Edith, came back with bruises all over her body, and resisted curses: she vomited needles and suffered from intestinal tears. With James, she had tested her ability to escape torture; she had almost gone deaf, and he also taught her about weapons. She improved her aim, which was terrible. She was not the strongest witch, nor the most experienced, and had not defeated anyone, but she would be the only one who would fight with all her energy until she had nothing left. Lilith still maintained that no one would put more effort than her to rescue her mother, no one, just her. She had no siblings and no father; her blood family was her mother.

Three knocks on her door made her get out of bed lazily. She still had mundane habits; she could open the door without even putting a foot on the ground. How wonderful magic was. Mandy was standing under the threshold holding a tray with two hamburgers, fries, and sodas. She had her hair half-up and was wearing a red tracksuit from head to toe, that was Juicy Couture.

LILITH | DEAN WINCHESTER [ ✓ ]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora