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Today I didn't want to go to school even though it was the second day but the real reason was because Kayla couldn't come so I didn't want to be by myself but right now I am getting ready with Kayla in my room

"We have to wear something cute if we're gonna hook up with a guy"I say looking through my draws

"Ok then you should wear a black tube top with some blue jeans and I'ma wear a black long sleeve with some black jeans"She says pulling out my black tube top out of my drawer

"That's cute I'll wear it"I grab the blue jeans out of my drawer

"I'm going to change in the bathroom"Kayla says as she walks in and closes the door

I quickly change and put some bracelets and a white necklace

Kayla comes out and we were finally done getting ready

We took some pictures and I texted Tanya that we would be at a friends house since she was with her boyfriend

After a ten minute walk we made it

"Hey bitches my moms gone so we're getting turnt up"She laughs

"Lmao your already in another universe aren't you"I say as she nods her head

"I brought herb"Charney says

"I brought my elf bars I have like every flavor"I say as Stevie tells me how she loves the mango one

That's So Stevie

Kayla was fine with it she just didn't like it due to the fact her mom left her for drugs and stuff but I gave her a pep talk on the way here so hopefully she's good

"Can I have a hit?"Kayla asks me

"Go ahead girl"I say passing her the mango flavor

Right when she does it she coughs a bit

"Professional!"Charney laughs

"That was actually nice"Kayla says

"Let's get faded as fuck!"Stevie says

About ten minutes late Kayla is like on cloud 9 since it is her first time but I knew this was a one time thing she wouldn't ever do it again

We were all passing a little bit of everything around when we heard talking outside so Miranda opens the garage to find Maya and Anna?

"What are you guys doing?"Miranda asks

"We were about to smoke"Maya says as she shows two lighters

"Cool we're smoking too wanna smoke with us?She asks

"Yeah sure"Maya says as they both walk in and just stand there

"I need to use the restroom?"Anna says

Then all of a sudden Maya and Anna start talking with their eyes

"It's on the left"Miranda says suspicious

Then Anna walks off

"You should take a sip Maya"I say as I pass her a drink

"Yeah sure"She says as she takes tiny sips and gradually drinks more and more

When Anna comes back she noticed Maya was drinking and got a little mad

"How about you take a drink?"Stevie says giving her a beer

Every white boy needs a Latina (Pen15)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ