The First Day

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"Do you like your room?My mom asks as I unpack my clothes

"It's cool"I look around the room

"I love you so much"My mom kisses my head

"What happened?"I say in I already know tone

"I'm sorry mija tengo un viaje de trabajo"My mom explains sadly

(Darling I have a work trip)

"está bien mamá tengo a Tanya y Kayla"I smile softly

(It's fine mom I have Tanya and Kayla)

"Me siento mal, es tu primer día en una nueva escuela y no voy a estar allí"She says

( I just feel bad its your first day at a new school and im not going to be there)

"Let's just drop it mom"I say

"Ok I'm leaving tonight though so your sisters taking you to school I'll be gone for maybe two weeks"She says in her thick accent feeling bad

"Ok"I try to smile my best as she walks out of my room


I finally finish unpacking an hour later and decide to FaceTime Kayla to see what she's wearing tomorrow

"Hey Kayla!"I say as I put my phone on my vanity

"Hi!There are already rumors about us and it's not even our first day yet"She face palms while I laugh

"Ok but we're bad bitches we're going to steal everyone's man"I say

"But not take them!We are respectful young women"She points her finger at me as I roll my eyes

"So what are you wearing tomorrow"I ask

"Like pro club black sweats and a grey crop top you?"She says

"Maybe light blue jeans with hints of pink but their true religion and a white top crop but not sure yet"I answer

"Cute!"I hear her mom in the background and all of a sudden the FaceTime ends

I end up deciding to take a shower so I don't have to take a shower in the morning since I want to straighten my hair

After I just go to sleep not wanting to say bye to my mom


I was sadly woken up from my alarm making me groan

I got up brushed my teeth and brushed my hair

Even though my hair was straight already it wasn't straight straight so I had to straighten at least for the first day

After I did my hair it was time for makeup the and the outfit

As I was finishing brushing my lashes since I had lash extensions my sister came in

"OMG you look so beautiful"My sister hugs me

"Stop thank you so much"I hug back

"Aren't you so excited!"She sits on my bed

"Sorta I mean at least I have Kayla"I shrug

"True but we have to take you insta photos"She says

"You know me too well"I smile as she takes a couple

"I'm definitely posting these after school"I say

"Yes but let's go pick up Kayla"She says as she walks out the door not waiting for me to respond causing me to walk after her

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