"Hey son," dad said, "They'll be taking her into the x-ray room in a little while to see if she has internal bleeding and if and how many bones she broke." she didnt wake up during anyone talking and she looked so peaceful like none of this was going on around her. It seemed as though she was dead or that at any second I would wake up and find this all to be a dream. But It wont be and I guess and I couldnt help but wish that it was a dream. After they had taken her in Mom took val home and dad followed them with Willow's car. I had told them that I wanted to stay her with her.

A couple days later:

She didnt look any better and I had only left her to go get more coffee to stay awake. She still looked like she was just in a deep peaceful sleep. They told me she broke three ribs with one barely pierced her right lung so she had a tube down her throat to help her breath.She also had a heart falter but is gracefully recovering from it from what they could tell. It was only due to shock they said. She also broke one of her arms and her ankle. She's in a coma and I dont know what Id do if she never woke up. I had given Val my schedule yesterday and asked her to get me my make up work. I dont know how long she would be asleep and I will not be leaving her side for anything. 'Im so tired' I thought 'I need some sleep' I laid my head down for a few minutes and fell asleep without realizing it. I starteled awake and looked at the clock. I slept for 10 hours! How could I?! She falls and goes into a coma and here I am sleeping. I kissed her hand and walked out to the cafeteria to get myself a coffee and a poppyseed muffin. I walked back to her room and sat in the most uncomfortable chair again. The crick in my neck wouldn't go away. This is what happens when you sleep in a chair.

"Hey sweetie, you should go home. Willow would kick your butt if she woke up and you were looking like you forgot about everything. She'd want you to have a life. She cant have you be here while shes in a coma. Shed want you to live a life and be you. Not sitting by her bed hoping for her to wake up," my mom spoke softly laying a hand on my shoulder. I'll go home and fetch some stuff to leave her. Maybe I can send my mom to get it all for me.

"Hey momma or dad. Do you think you could pick up some shampoo, conditioner, some spare clothes that are comfortable, my really comfy desk chair, some towels, and my laptop and ipod? I really dont want to leave her side but I will if you guys will allow me to have my showers here and everything. I sware Ill do my homework and not get in the way of the nurses." I smiled weakly at them pleading with my eyes to grab the few things I needed and bring them to me.

"I guess we could son. You might be here for a while. Well go home and pick it up and while your in the shower well have our own visit with Willow. And dont you get out of the shower in 5 minutes you sneaky man. We want at least 40 minutes with her. If you do get out of the shower quickly then you can walk around the hospital for the remaining time. Please son," dad says looking at me smiling. I guess I can do the favor of giving them time with their daughter. I can take a good shower. Not showering in a few days. Well lets just say its not that pleasent.

A couple of weeks later:

Its been 2 and a half weeks!!! Im caught up on all school work and Im even ahead of some students. I sit here everyday holding her hand and softly kissing her hand. I even sing and just talk to her as if she was really awake. Ive had a few cute nurses try to flirt with me. I guess they dont notice that Im sitting next to the girl that means the world to me.... Whoa whoa whoa back track Xavier old boy, did you just say means the world to you. I guess I did. Damn im fallin for her hard. I just need one wink of sleep, clear my head, the nurses took the liberty to put a recliner in the corner of the room and to wake me up if there was any news of her awakening. I kissed her on the forehead and hobbled over to the chair and curled up in a ball resting my head on the pillow and reclining the chair. I fell into a peaceful sleep that gradually turned into a nightmare of that fateful evening that Willow fell. I couldn't get her scream out of my head. The way the horse had thrown her. The way he squealed. I couldnt get the sounds out and I dont think I ever will. I woke up who knows how much later by Vally. She told me that she would watch her and that I could go get something to eat. I kissed her on the forehead and gave her a light hug. I couldnt wish to have anybody better as a friend than Vally to Willow. They were total opposites but I guess opposites to attract. I smiled and walked down to the cafeteria getting myself a coffee and a small cup of strawberry icecream for Vally. I also got myself another poppyseed muffin to eat. I walked back up to the room and let myself in. I smiled at Val and pulled her into my lap while she cried over Willow. I stroked her hair and looked at Willow.

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