𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮

Start from the beginning

I sighed tiredly after cleaning and throwing away all the thrash I left whenever I'm home. I can't risk Aris getting hurt accidentally.


I run to the front door when I heard a loud knock. I woke up late and totally forgot that my brother is coming. And knowing that it is just my brother, I didn't bother wearing anything else aside from my boxers.

I opened the door absentmindedly.

"So, that is how you welcome your visitors eh?" my eyes widened. "What a great view, you have a good body to offer which I'll gladly accept, Allec."

I stared at the guy from yesterday. "What are you doing here?" I asked suddenly feeling irritated.

He smirked at me, "well I told you that I'm interested in you. I like you," he said bluntly.

What is wrong with this guy? We just met last night, I don't even remember his name and now he's claiming that he likes me? He must be some twisted rich spoiled brat kid from some elite family.

I looked around to see if he's with his bodyguard but he's nowhere in sight. I guess he just dropped off the annoying kid.

I frowned at him, but he just looked up at me then gave me a sickeningly sweet smile. "What?" I growled but my one-foot taller height does not seem to intimidate him.

He pouted, "uuh, you're so grumpy you know? I'm just here to know you better! Aren't you going to let me in?" he asked innocently.

I groaned, if I didn't know any better he is far than being innocent. I've encountered his type many times before.

"Sorry but I'm not in the mood to play with you, kid," I said in a dead serious tone. "Go home to your parents or play somewhere else, brat!"

I tried to slam the door on his face but he slipped himself inside pretty fast that I didn't even get to stop him.

He smirked at me, "well seems like you can't throw me out anymore since I'm inside."

This damn midget is starting to annoy the hell out of me. "What the hell do you think you're doing? You are trespassing! Get out," I said trying to remain calm.

He stepped towards me staring at my eyes daringly. "Why do you hate me that much?" he asked sounding hurt but I could care less. "I just want to get to know you more, I really like you!"

I sighed feeling tired so suddenly. "Look, what you feel is just temporary okay? Why not find someone else you already know. I couldn't return your feelings, cause I like women," I explained to him hoping that once I rejected him properly he would stop bothering me.

"How could you under estimate my feelings for you?" he asked stubbornly. "I really like you and if it is just temporary then I wouldn't be here now! I don't know why but that is how I feel!" he yelled at me and I was caught off guard to notice him banging his clenched fist over my bare chest.

I looked down at his red face. I mentally shook my head; he might just be delusional.

We stared at each other for a moment before I grabbed his hands off me. I don't like being touched and I don't like people intruding my personal space.

I need to stop him and his craziness. I don't care if it hurts him, I just don't want any trouble.

"You don't get it, do you?" I asked totally pissed. "I already said it in a nice way but you didn't listen. I will say it again; I don't like you! Not now, not ever! I like women."

He looked so stunned, he must not be used to rejection. "H-How could you not feel anything for me? I'm good looking, rich and I'm fun to be with t-that even straight guys fall for me so why not you? You're supposed to be thankful that I even noticed you. I even dumped my straight boyfriend for you, so why? What's wrong with me?" he pushed me too hard out of raged which I'm not prepared so we fall on the floor with him on the top of me.

BOOK 4: US, In My Kingdom (BL)Where stories live. Discover now