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Heatedly kissing Barry, Hal managed to somehow shut the door to his apartment with his foot.

They were still in their superhero suits with their cowl and mask on. Barry had sped them all the way to Hal's home, despite his damaged and wobbly leg. As soon as the door clicked to a close behind them, Hal dragged off his brand-new boyfriend's cowl and sank his fingers in the soft hair, smothering him with more kisses.

"You're needy," Barry gasped as he pulled off Hal's ring, instantly vanishing the Green Lantern uniform to reveal his outfit for their date. "I like it."

Hal had gone primal, so he could only growl hungrily into his lips. He had been waiting so long for this. So long. He hadn't even known it.

But when his fingers reached to pull Barry's Flash suit off, Barry distanced both of them with a hand on his chest. "Hey," he spoke. "I don't have any clothes underneath. Can I get into some PJs?"

Hal's face dropped. "I- I thought you wanted this-"

Barry chuckled softly and planted a featherlight kiss on his lips. "I do, babe. But don't you think we're moving a bit too fast right now?"

Babe. That sent Hal's head spiralling. He let his arm fall to his side. "I get it," he sighed, closing his eyes. "I'll wait for you. Till you're ready."

And the look of pure happiness that his boyfriend gave him at his understanding was enough to light up all of Central City and Star City put together. Hal again wondered how he had got so lucky.

He pressed another kiss on Barry's cheek. "I might have some spare pyjamas in my bedroom your size. We can order in and cuddle in front of the TV, is that alright?"

Barry nodded, the beam evidently not disappearing off his face soon.

As Barry disappeared into the bedroom of the tiny flat, Hal fussed around with the living room. The sofa was big enough for both of them; Barry had crashed over twice or thrice before. However, it was his first time he would be wearing Hal's clothes. His heart beat erratically fast at this trope.

His gaze then landed on the coffee table. Ah, that was right: he was yet to open the letter from Wayne Enterprises. Might as well get it over with before he settled in for a long, cuddly night with- he was still giddy to admit it- his boyfriend.

Barry had thrown on pyjamas with little bear patterns and was about to step out when he heard a high-pitched squeal.

"What happened?" he rushed into the front room to find Hal with one hand covering his mouth and the holding a letter. A torn envelope was cast aside on the coffee table beside him. He padded over to pick up the cover. Flipping it over, he found the flamboyant Wayne logo.

"Is it from Bruce?" he enquired. Hal was too shocked to speak.

"He- was he eavesdropping on us in CCPD the other day? Before the attack?" Hal questioned in no general direction. Barry peeped into the letter.

Dear Mr. Jordan

We at Wayne Enterprises are pleased to inform you that you have been offered an honorary post at Wayne Aerospace as advisor to the military aviation branch. We will be in need of your expert opinion from time to time. In case of your acceptance of the offer, your duties will include giving your expert opinion on the modelling and operating of the aircrafts that we construct and manoeuvre at Wayne Aerospace. Your salary will be directly negotiated with CEO Bruce Wayne.

We hope to receive a reply no later than seventy-two hours.


Wayne Enterprises

Barry turned to Hal, eyes equally wide, but a contrastingly joyous expression on his face. "This is what you wanted, Hal!" he cried. "And you know Bruce. He somehow finds out everything about everyone. Thing is, he was nice enough to solve your problem."

Hal exhaled. "I guess you're right, Barr. I'm being too paranoid."

Barry grinned suddenly. "Wine and pizza from Coast City? To celebrate?"

Hal blinked. Then laughed.

"My life is so fucking awesome," he cackled. "I'd love that, babe."

He had finally found his place in the world.

No one saw it coming (HalBarry)Where stories live. Discover now