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To be completely honest, I thought the whole shindig with Malfoy would at least have made him back off a little bit—which it did but the subtle glares he's been flashing me and the obnoxious stares he continued to give only made me think he was plotting something.

As much as I hate to admit it, Malfoy is smart. He's a rather intellectual individual who has the ability to make anybody's life a living hell, even the Professors at this school. Which is why I've been on edge the passed few days.

I do somewhat regret putting the boy in his place, not because he didn't deserve it but because if that boy wanted me removed from Hogwarts, he could simply have it done. It's honestly surprising I haven't been told to pack my bags yet.

Today's classes were cut short due to the first Triwizard event commencing. There was quite a bit of chaos during the day, but nothing could beat the excitement Fred and George were bringing to the table.

The twins thought it'd be a great idea to start up a bet on who would win. Even went as far as making a little gambling booth for students and possibly some teachers to make their bets on the winner for the first task.

As I'm walking alongside Ginny towards the stadium, George rushes over towards the two of us and flashes us a massive grin. "Miss Maxwell, surely you've got a gallon or two to spare, unless Fred got to you first and you've already placed down your bet."

Ginny rolled her eyes as I laughed and rummaged though my pocket to pull out a few gallons. "Harry's got my vote."

"You're one of the only people, Ginny over here places her bet on him too." George said in a playful tone before rushing off towards a group of Ravenclaw's to 'acquire' their money.

Ginny's face flushed a bright red as I turned to look at her with a smirk on my face. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." I throw an arm over the girls shoulder and walk alongside her to find a seat.

"Your attention, please." Dumbledore's distorted voice could be heard loudly over the large enclosure, "This is a great day for all of us—"

Dumbledore's speech is suddenly interrupted by a bone-chilling roar that belonged to none other than what I knew was a dragon. What made it all the more frightening was the mere fact that we were currently sat only meters away from the vicious beats.

"Each of the three tasks involves very considerable danger. Please keep in your seats at all times, this will minimise any risks you may be exposed to. I'm sure we all with our champions the greatest of luck."

As Dumbledore's speech came to an end, the station erupted into applauds and cheers—everybody eager to watch the champions indulge in life threatening activities. Oh, how delightful the wizarding world is.

After a long few minutes had passed Hermione took a seat beside me, the anxiousness she was experiencing not going unnoticed. Ginny and I shared a sympathetic look to which I decided to speak up.

"Mione, I can guarantee nothing... exceedingly terrible will happen to Harry. Sure it's a dangerous task, but the ministry wouldn't just let someone be killed in front of a bunch of school students."

The nervous witch sighed as she slowly nodded her head—even though my choice in words could've been better, she knew I was right.

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