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Y/n's POV

A few days had gone passed and they were as normal as they could be. I heard about the events that occurred with Sirius Black as Hermione had filled me in on what had happened. It was all hard to follow along with and if I'm being completely honest I spaced out through half of the story when Hermione was telling it.

The few days prior to today had flown passed so quickly. Maybe it was because nothing exciting had actually happened, aside from witnessing Fred and George pull one of their hilarious pranks on some Slytherins who thought it'd be amusing to pick on a first-year Hufflepuff.

I took a seat down in Charms and listened carefully as Flitwick continued on teaching us how to perfect the Cheering Charm. We had started the last lesson but didn't have quite enough time to finish what we started.

"Miss Parkinson, will you please explain to the class what effect the Cheering Charm causes?" Professor Flitwick had questioned the Slytherin who was sitting beside Goyle. She answered his question, getting it right and earning a praise as well as five points for her house.

I mean, charms theory wasn't hard it was the practice of spells that made it somewhat challenging at times. The Professor moved on to ask another couple of students some questions about the charm and he awarded those with a minimum amount of house points each time somebody got something right. I even got called upon once or twice.

Once the class was finished, everybody had packed up the things they had brought to the class and then left the room. I made my way towards the Library hoping to get a little bit of study in but quickly turned on my heel upon seeing Linda and Aiden holding hands and exiting the library.

Don't get me wrong, I was happy for him. I was glad that he found someone. The problem I had was that he kissed me while being in a relationship with her.

I hadn't really decided where else to go to study as most of the halls and rooms were crowded with students who were extremely loud. After a solid five minutes or so, I gave up trying to find a quiet and secluded area and just decided on getting some fresh air.

I made my way through the halls of the castle and exited one of the large doors into the courtyard. It wasn't as peaceful as I hoped it'd be, as students were still everywhere, but it was the best I could get. I continued to walk but I barely even took two steps before somebody had called out my name.

"Hurts doesn't it, Maxwell? Your boyfriend has chosen some Hufflepuff over you." Parkinson had called out leaving me to just roll my eyes. I didn't have the energy to remark so I just left her to think she had 'won' this tiny 'dispute'. If you could even call it that.

There was honestly nowhere in this entire school where I was able to be alone or relax without somebody having to call me out for anything and everything. As if I can change that - not that I would if it were physically possible.

I stalked back into the castle, having enough of the ignorance out in the courtyard, not that they had bothered me after that one remark Pansy made, I could just feel their callous energy around me. I didn't really have anywhere else to go so I just sat in the quietest hallway I could find to relax for a little. As stupid as it sounds being in complete silence at times was good for me mentally. It helped me feel secure.

I got in a good ten minutes or so of relaxation before standing up and making my way towards the Gryffindor Common Room to collect my books for the next class I had. It was unfortunate that we didn't have more time to relax between classes but I suppose there is nothing I can really do about that.

The trip to the Gryffindor Common Room was short and quick and before I knew it I was sat in an empty seat inside Classroom 4F for History of Magic. The room slowly began to fill with students and the teacher, Professor Binns.

Binns began teaching the lesson once everyone was seated, starting off with revision from the last lesson we had with him. The class was rather quiet for the majority of the hour-and-a-half class, due to the fact that what we were working on was an essay that was indeed due at the end of the lesson.

I didn't think that my essay was as good as it could've been but I had no choice but to hand it over to Professor Binns once the lesson had finished. Once the bell had rung everybody had exited the classroom and went off on their own ways to do whatever it is they want to do for the time being.

I, myself, had decided to take a small wander down towards the Black Lake in an attempt to find a little bit more time to myself. The walk down to the lake wasn't too bad, it was a little bit chilly outside but it was to be expected.

I pulled my red and gold scarf up to my lips as I continued to walk before sitting my butt on the wooden pier that went a few meters over the lake. The sound of cheering could be heard from above and it only took me a few seconds to notice Harry soaring through the sky on an incredibly fast broom. I always miss something when I'm not with the trio.

The sound of footsteps behind me made a sigh exit my lips. There is no way anybody is able to get some privacy or time alone around this school. People were just everywhere. I turn my head to make eye contact with the person who has interrupted my peace and quiet, and upon locking my eyes on theirs my eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't you have some first-years to bully?" My mouth opened and closed as I enunciated my obvious irritation. I lift myself to my feet and keep my eyes locked on the blonde boy who stood before me. I believe the last interaction Malfoy and I had wasn't exactly a good one, but whenever is being in his presence a good thing?

"Haven't heard that one before, Maxwell." He rolled his deep grey eyes, showing his lack of care for the small insult thrown his way. This boy had a knack for crawling under my skin with just the way he speaks. The arrogance in his voice made him all the more punchable.

Oddly enough I didn't have a snarky comeback to his statement, which slightly annoyed me. It was a bad thing to admit but I found joy in putting the blonde boy in his place, he deserved to feel like complete and utter shit, just like he makes everybody around him feel.

"I made a bloody mistake coming to talk to a mudblood like you. To think that I was going to wish you a nice holiday disgusts me." Draco's nostrils flared as he glared directly at me. I refuse to admit it but his grey-blue eyes sent chills up my spine at times.

"Thanks." That was all I could get out. I didn't know if he was serious about his attempt to be nice, it didn't seem like a Malfoy thing. I would hardly believe anyone if they told me he was nice to a Pureblood, let alone a Muggle-born, such as myself.

Oddly enough he sent a nod to me which made me all the more confused. "What is with you, Malfoy?" I stare directly at him with my eyebrows furrowed. "You're too much at times. First, you belittle me, then you're kissing me, then hating me, and now you're wishing me well on my holiday?"

A sigh came from the boy as he looked directly at the female. For some reason he seemed a bit hesitant, I knew he had something important to say as no smart-ass remark had been said straight away. Although, before Malfoy confessed whatever he wanted, his pride got in the way.

The boy scoffed as he shoved his hands into his robe pockets. "See you next year, Mudblood." And that was the last thing he said before he disappeared back towards the castle. All I could do was sigh.

I could feel it. Next year was going to be an eventful one.

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