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Hello, My Lovely Readers!
First I would like to start off with an apology to anybody I upset by not updating this story sooner. In all honestly, over the past year or two, I have lost interest in many of the things I used to find enjoyable due to some mental health issues I have been dealing with. I also, unfortunately, did lose interest in Harry Potter a while ago. It is really sad to admit that but I obviously couldn't help it.

I'm not going to make promises about finishing this story as I know there is a possibility that I will not be able to keep it. I will come back every now and then to update as 20k of you do seem to enjoy this story. I genuinely love you all for sticking around to read my story. It really means the world to me. Even if I do cringe at my writing.

But anyway... enjoy the next chapter of Just A Mudblood.

 enjoy the next chapter of Just A Mudblood

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Y/n's POV

The almost deafening silence lasts for a short while longer. Hermione continues to hold onto Ron, whilst I keep my face firmly planted into Harry's chest. But alas, the somewhat deafening silence came to an end—broken by a wail emitting from Ron.

"Ah—! He bit me. Scabbers." Trim had let out as he held onto the little bite mark on his finger that had shortly begun to bleed.

"Ron. Ron!" Hermione shouted as Ron began to run after his pet rat that had bolted off. Hermione and Harry chased after the rat, leaving me to continue to stare towards where Buckbeak was just executed.

I didn't have the energy to run after my friends. There was too much on my plate right now and everything was beginning to fall off. I began to walk back towards the castle as the sun looked like it would set soon. I didn't exactly want to get more house points deducted from Gryffindor or end up in detention once more. Surely my parents have been informed by now and there's no doubt if they have then they wouldn't be even the slightest bit pleased by it.

The halls weren't exactly empty as I made my way through them, although they weren't full either. There were a few students here and a few students there but oddly enough there was hardly any chatter.

The soles of my shoes made little scoffing sounds on the floor as I made my way towards the Great Hall. Again, it wasn't entirely full but it wasn't exactly empty either. There were a few people from each house who sat at their tables munching away at the food on the oak and chatting amongst themselves with friends.

I let out a brief sigh as I sat down at the Gryffindor table, my eyes lingering on the hourglasses that held the points to each house. Unsurprisingly Gryffindor had the least amount in their glass. I was definitely the witch who contributed to the deduction of majority of the house points.

JUST A MUDBLOOD,     draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now