Chapter 24

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1 month Later

Katie's Birthday

Month: July

Katie POV

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Kate. Happy birthday to you" I hear people singing to wake me up

I opened my eyes to see Amy and Emma on my bed and Lucas holding a plate full of pancakes with a candle on top. 

"Thanks you guys" I said 

"Make a wish" Lucas said and I blew out the candle "How does it feel to be 27?" Lucas asked 

"The same but I have this baby in my stomach." I said and he chuckled

"Don't worry she will come out in a few more months" he said 

"I hope she comes out soon because last night she did not let me sleep. She was kicking" I told him 

"Wait. She was kicking last night?" Lucas asked 

"Yeah she was and she was going to town. I think she was telling me it's my birthday" I chuckled 

"Wait. Let me feel it" Lucas said 

I chuckled and lifted my shirt so Lucas can touch my stomach. A few minutes later she started kicking my stomach. 

"Oh, my god. She is kicking and she is going to town" Lucas said and I chuckled

"Let me check" Jade said and she put her hand on my stomach 

"She is going to town. Looks like you had your morning wake-up call today" Jade chuckled 

"Yes I did. I thought I was waiting for something to give me a wake-up call and not this one" I told her and my phone rang 

"Looks like he heard you" Jade said 

I picked up the phone to see Niall's face timing me. I answered it and this time he is on the tour bus and he is in his bunk. 

"Happy birthday Kate" he said 

"Thank you" I said 

"I guess you had pancakes this morning" he said 

"How do you know that?" I asked him 

"Because you have syrup on your lips babe" he said 

I took a napkin and wiped it. 

"How's our baby girl doing?" he asked and the rest of the family left my room so I can talk to Niall alone

"Good. She woke me up this morning" I said and stared at my stomach 

"Oh really? How?" he asked 

"She kicked for the first time this morning and told me it's my birthday" I told him

"She kicked? and I missed it?" he asked 

"Yeah, she did. Don't worry babe when you come back you can feel her kick. I wish you can come back today" I told him 

"I know babe but I have to fly out to France today and that will take so many hours to fly there" he said and I nodded 

"I know. I just miss your cuddles and kisses" I sniffed 

"Okay is that your pregnancy crying or real crying?" he asked 

"Both" I told him 

"I know you me to cuddle with you and kiss you but you have Luke he can do the same thing except not kissing you on the lips because those are my lips to kiss" Niall said and I laughed

Blind Date| Niall HoranOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora