Chapter 5

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Sofia sits me down in a comfy chair and says, "Honey, you sit here. I'll get some medicine for you." With that, she leaves the tent, and I'm left alone with my thoughts and the pounding headache. After a while, she returns with a tablet and water, handing them to me. I gulp down the tablet and water, then sink back into the chair, my mind swirling with questions. 

What on earth happened in that stepwell?


Bhavya's Pov

After taking the tablet Sofia gave me, I start feeling better, and I join Shekhar in our work. He tells me what they've been up to. We concentrate on fixing an old painting we found, which seems to show a royal person, maybe a queen or a princess. We spend three hours working hard on it, cleaning it up, fixing the frame, and repairing the torn parts.

After we finish restoring the painting and put it safely in a wooden box, we decide to call it a day and continue our work tomorrow. I tidy up my workspace, pack all the equipment into my bag, and throw away the gloves.

When I enter the main tent, I see Sofia, Shekhar, Steve, Kevin, and the rest of the team wrapping up for the day. I grab my coat, put it on, and pick up my bag. We all leave the tent together, waiting for our ride. Another day at the site comes to a close.

While we wait for our ride, Sofia turns to me with a big smile, saying, "Bhavya, I'm so happy you joined the team! Now I have someone to chat with." Her excitement is contagious, and I can't help but smile back. "Sofia, I feel the same way. Meeting you and everyone else has been great," I reply, feeling genuinely joyful.

Summoning my courage, I suggest, "Um, do you want to exchange numbers?" Sofia's face lights up even more, and she eagerly agrees, saying, "Sure, babe! Here's my number." We quickly swap numbers, and she adds, "Bhavya, we're going to be best friends, I just know it. Oh, I can't wait!"

As we chat, we make plans for the weekend. Soon, our ride arrives, and we all get on the bus. It drops each of us off at our homes or accommodations. I say goodbye to everyone as they leave, and I'm the last one to be dropped off.

Once home, I go straight to my room and change into comfy clothes after putting my bag on the desk.

Once home, I go straight to my room and change into comfy clothes after putting my bag on the desk

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The soft fabric clung to me like a warm embrace as I slipped into cozy clothes. With that done, I felt drawn to the balcony, craving its peaceful solitude. As I opened the door, a gentle breeze whispered through, welcoming me. I settled into a chair, book in hand, ready to lose myself in its pages and escape to another world. The evening sun cast a golden glow, and soon, I was lost in the story, the outside world fading away to the soothing rustle of pages.

Lost in my book, I lost track of time. Suddenly, Maasi's voice broke through the door, calling me down for dinner. It was a gentle reminder that reality beckoned beyond the pages.

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