Chapter 10

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Since their last encounter, Cassie was more than a little confused as to why Kise even cared to talk to her. She didn't know much about him, so it was hard to gauge why he pestered her as much as he did.

Even that night, Kise had made it impossible for the pair to be alone. Cassie did end up staying at Murasakibara's place, but Kise found them every day after that until summer break was over.

They were interrupted until it was back to their usual.

But on one Friday afternoon, as Cassie lounged around with Kagami who was going out later, she decided to ask him something.

"Hey, Kagami?"


"About the GoM, do you know Kise well?"

"Kise? Why are you talking about him?"

"You can never just answer my questions huh?" Cassie looked on with a deadpan expression.

"Because it's weird of you to be interested in these guys." He defended. "First it was Murasakibara and now Kise? Next thing you're gonna tell me is you also met the guy."

Cassie said nothing and in her silence, Kagami looked over in a state of shock, total disbelief rested on his face.

"No way you also met him!"

"I did. It was a little weird though," she said calmly.

Kagami groaned. "I'm not even gonna ask, all I'll say is you should stay away from him."

"While I appreciate the warning, I think I'll decide that for myself." Kagami softly shook his head. "Look, can you at least tell me why I should stay away from him?"

Kagami scoffed. "He's a pretty boy and a flirt. Eventually he might start hitting on you just for the hell of it."


"Yes, he usually flirts with girls."

Kagami shot out of his seat hearing the voice of Kuroko beside them.

Cassie smiled. "Hey, Kuroko."

"Hi, Cassie. Sorry if I'm interrupting something."

"Why didn't you say you were here already?" Kagami managed to relax.

"Because you two were talking." He simply stated.

"And Kuroko was nice enough to wait!" Cassie smiled. "Sorry to keep you guys though."

"It's fine, but Cassie?" She hummed. "Kagami's right, Kise will probably start hitting on you after a while. He's done it to every girl I've seen him with."

"Ah, I'm glad you came over then. I thought he was flirting with me—I just don't do good in situations like that—but I was hoping to tell him I'm not interested."

"That's good. He'll leave you alone if you do," Kuroko said.

"You better be sure you don't beat around the bush either."

"I won't," she said with a slight eyeroll. "I don't even see why Kise wants to go out with me."

"Come on, stop with that crap already." Kagami groaned and poked his finger harshly against her temple. "These guys would be lucky to have you alright?"

Cassie pouted and moved away from him. "Okay, okay, I get it."

Kagami and Kuroko went to the front door and opened it.

"Later guys."

They both waved to her and left the apartment together. Cassie let out a small sigh and sat on the couch where she went to call Kise. She hoped she could kindly reject his advances.

Once he picked up, she heard his chipper voice. "Cassiecchi! I'm surprised you called me."

"I know, but it's for something important. Can you talk right now?"

"Hmm? I could, but I'd rather see you in person." His teasing didn't go unnoticed.

"Kise, I just need-"

Just then, the front door opened. Assuming it was Kagami coming back for something, she turned to look at the door. Instead of finding her housemate, she saw Murasakibara instead. He was leaning over as he entered the apartment.

With a confused voice, she said, "what are you doing here?"

"Huh? Who is it?" Kise asked.

"Who are you talking to?" Murasakibara asked behind Kise's question.

Cassie sighed at the pair. "Kise, sorry, but can I call you back?"

"Uh, yeah. Is everything cool though?"

"Let's hope... bye."

"Well, later."

Cassie hung up and stood in front of Murasakibara, who looked down at her with a frown she hadn't noticed until now.

"Why are you here?"

"What did Kise-chin want?"

Her eyes narrowed. "That doesn't matter. I just wanted to tell him something."

"Was it important?"

"Not really..." Her head shook. "Seriously, Murasaki, why are you here?"

He said nothing and Cassie watched as his pout grew. "I wanted to stay over."


"Because, Muro-chin said he was going to start strength training. I don't wanna join him, but he said I should do something."

Cassie found herself smiling. "So did you come to me to ask for my help or did you want me to instruct you on what to do?"

"...I don't know what to do." He slowly admitted.

"Then I guess it's good you came to me. I don't mind helping you... as long as you won't ignore me."

His head shook. "I won't. You always make stuff interesting."

"I try." Cassie went to sit down and Murasakibara joined her.

However, he sat very close to her. She only noticed when she realized his arm was nearly leaning over her entire body. She looked over and found the giant yawning. That's where she saw dark circles under his eyes.

"Are you not sleeping?"

His head shook. "Not really. I haven't slept well this last week."

"That's not good... I wonder what's wrong?"

"It doesn't matter." He yawned again.

"It actually does matter." She pursed her lips. "But I guess it'll fix itself eventually." Cassie picked up the notebook resting on the table and searched through Murasakibara's records.

In the hopes to find an activity he needed to do as well as something interesting, she scanned the pages several times over. Murasakibara moved to sit on the floor and leaned over to see the notebook easier.

A few silent minutes passed them by and, without Cassie even realizing, Murasakibara had managed to rest his head against her thighs. Feeling the weight, she leaned over to see him asleep on her leg.

She stared at his calm face and found herself smiling. For fear of waking him up, she returned to looking through her notebook nearly motionless...

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