Chapter 7

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Cassie and Murasakibara sat in the room together with a heavy silence over them. The towel he was given now rested on his damp shoulders and Cassie sat with her eyes averting him.

Cassie eventually spoke. "What you said did piss me off; but, it wasn't the first thing on my mind. A while ago, my parents called me to see how I was doing and how the program was treating me. At Seirin, I don't have much to say since I'm not doing anything there. So I tried to tell them about Yosen and all that, but no one was willing to hear me out—more so than anything, they were treating all that I've done as 'easy'." Cassie let out a breath. "No offense to you, but dealing with someone with your talent isn't a simple task, especially your personality."

Murasakibara didn't disagree with her. He, at least, understood what she meant by that. "They don't think what you've done is good enough?"

"It's not that. I just don't have any 'proof' I've done anything. Seirin doesn't have any of my records and definitely no knowledge of anything I've done with you. So when they ask, I can't give them anything, but that's what they do." She sighed, and her fists tightened. "They attack anyone who might be doing better than them. Happiness isn't accepted unless it's theirs."

Murasakibara stared at her and seeing the strained expression she held, he could only think of one thing. "Wow, you're really negative." Cassie looked at him. "I didn't think you were like this, it's kind of strange to see."

Her eyes rolled. "I just don't say anything, but I've always thought like this. People tend to ignore me so it's really easy to match my personality to whatever the environment calls for."

"So... you're lying?"

"Not exactly," she began, "I do really feel the way I was acting at all our practices, it's just a little exhausting to act like I care all the time. Sometimes, I need a break from being all happy-go-lucky. Especially if everyone treats me like I'm too much." She sighed. "You just can't win. Too happy and people think you're annoying; too aloof and people think you're an asshole."

The room fell silent. This tense air held for a while, until Murasakibara let out a sigh of his own.

"Cas-chin... I don't really care how you act. I actually like the way you are even now." Murasakibara paused. "It actually bothers me to hear that someone doesn't think you do enough."

Cassie shrugged. "Well, you are certainly the first to say that."

"I am?"

"Of course, I've never told this to anyone else, so you'd be the first one to actually hear it. Who knows if anyone else would even sympathize with me, I doubt if they would though."

Murasakibara watched Cassie as she sat in a distressed state. Her eyes avoided his person and her foot was tapping in an irritable bounce. However, there was one thing he realized about the whole situation, which was how truthful Cassie was being.

No matter the severity of her situation, Cassie truly felt like her efforts were worthless. Her words and overall demeanor showed that, especially if something as small as Murasakibara telling a lie was enough to get her to shut down. This caused him to grow annoyed.

How was Cassie unable to see her own talent?

"Say... what would prove your parents wrong?"

"Huh?" Cassie looked at him. "Why are you saying that?"

"Because, even though I dislike try hards who have no talent, I respect talent when I see it. So it's annoying to hear someone who is good say they aren't."

No response made its way to Cassie's lips. Instead, she stayed silent. With the tense air lifting,

Cassie eased her shoulders. "Murasaki... I don't need that." Cassie's gaze averted once again. "I've dealt with it this long, so there's no difference now..." Cassie took a breath.

They fell silent, but eventually the silence was broken by Murasakibara.

"If I work hard and give you something to show them, will they believe that?"

"I'm sure, but-"

"Then it's settled. I'll keep working and you can show them a video of me playing... I wonder if Muro-chin would agree to join in too." Murasakibara got up.

"Wait, what are you talking about? You're not... serious are you?"

"Of course I am." He looked back at her. "If you can't show your talent, then someone has to help you so you can." He then looked off. "Besides, you're not bad at what you do, so why should you hide away while someone else gets to act like their hot stuff?"

No words seemed to form and Cassie could only imagine why Murasakibara was helping her. Her fists tightened and her gaze turned downward.

"But, you don't have to agree or anything right now." He continued. "I'm just telling you so it's not a surprise when I show up for practice."

Murasakibara then looked out the window, seeing the rain slowing down. 

Her brows furrowed. "Are you serious?" Her horse voice managed to get out.

"That's why I came over in the first place. It's boring without you around and no matter how you're acting, as long as we can hang out, it's cool to me."

Cassie looked at him hearing how casually the comments escaped his lips, her throat ran dry and her nervousness grew in her stomach.

In the silence, Murasakibara looked back at her. "What's wrong?"

Her head shook. "Nothing... it's just, I wish people wouldn't forget to ask how someone is. The world feels so much smaller when you think no one cares about you..." She covered her eyes.

The room grew heavy at her words, but neither spoke a word after that...

Bothersome Romance (MurasakibaraxOC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu