Chapter 6

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With the growing heat of the days, Summer break arrived swiftly and the first few days of it consisted of Murasakibara lounging around at home.

His motivation had seemingly decreased along with his general interest in anything. Outwardly, he seemed as though he returned to his former self.

The quiet of the morning eased him into sitting and enjoying some of the ice cream Cassie had given him. Despite having gotten it last week, he saved it for the break.

"Atsushi?" His mother called as she walked into the room.

"Yeah?" He said while opening another ice cream.

"You've been home more often... I thought you were really getting into practice."

"Nah, it's kind of boring right now."

She hummed. "Here I thought you were finding your stride, after all, you've been going so often. Especially with the help of that girl. Cassie was her name?" Murasakibara nodded to his mother. "Well, I can't force you, but I'm going out for a bit. If you leave the house, be sure to lock it."

"I will, see you."

His mother went to the front entrance and soon after, he was alone in the house. Murasakibara let out a loud sigh and reached to see the rest of his snacks. The box of pocky was empty and he grumbled knowing he'd have to go out to get more to eat.

He rested back and bit on the ice cream stick. It was more apparent to him now than ever before that he was...

Just then, his phone went off. He answered it and heard Himuro's voice on the other side.

"Where are you?"

"At home. I'm about to restock." Murasakibara looked to the empty boxes on his table.

"Well, I need to ask you something real quick."

"What is it?"

"Did you say something to Cassie?"

"Ha?" He thought for a second. "I might have... oh, that's right, I said she was getting boring." He heard Himuro sigh. "Why? Did she say something to you?"

"No, she actually wouldn't say anything at all. We had planned to meet up so she could help me with something, but... she didn't seem interested in going anywhere. Cassie wasn't her usual self today, she still did what we planned, but I could tell she was agitated by something."

"...what made you think it was me?"

"Aside from the fact that you were the last person to talk to her?"

Murasakibara got up, thinking to head out now. While he aimlessly searched for his wallet, he continued to speak.

"You sound really concerned about her."

"Of course, knowing how close she and Tiga are makes me feel like I have a little sister. Not only that, but she's always just really positive no matter what. So seeing her upset is kind of... worrying."

Murasakibara stopped in his tracks. "She's like a sister?"

"In a way... but look, I'm only calling you to ask that you apologize to her. She doesn't deserve that being said to her, especially not after all she's done for you."

Murasakibara scoffed. "That I didn't ask for."

"That doesn't matter. Just call her or text her, anything to say you're sorry."

Murasakibara sighed. "Fine."

"Thanks Atsushi."

Himuro then hung up and Murasakibara sighed again before dialing Cassie's number.

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