Chapter 4: The Episode Where Things Start Moving

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9 Weeks Later

"Finally! That's it, I finally furnished this place and it's kinda nice - surprisingly." Mia had finished furnishing her new apartment - she was still surprised she managed to get a place in such a convenient area after she was shown so many other places. I had to take it - it was the perfect place compared to all the others I saw. Hope was fading with each one, but I managed to get this beauty.

At the entrance, there was a small kitchen top with a sink, with cupboards above it - it was so small that she could touch either side with her hands - it bummed her out since she liked to bake, but for an apartment this cheap some sacrifices had to be made. Opposite the kitchen, were two doors - which folded in on themselves. The one closest to the entrance was the bathroom, along with a small bath and a place to wash off. The next door was where the toilet was; Mia had to brush her teeth and keep her 'bathroom' things near the kitchenette - she was grateful that she had everything she needed. The only thing that she really had a problem with was that she had to wash her clothes in the communal laundry - she was uncomfortable with others seeing her 'delicates' as she called them - but she had to get used to it regardless. I'll think of something - like go at a weird time when no one would think to use it. She was oddly crafty when it came to the protection of her precious underwear. Past the tiny hallway, there was a living space, which now included the sofa she just bought, a small table in the middle, and a blank wall to the right - she used a projector instead of a TV. There was a ladder that led up to a loft, which was above the entrance and bathroom area. It was spacious enough for it to be used as a place to sleep and for some storage. Across from the loft, was a window that was split into two, the bigger bottom one for the living space - Mia could open this one to get air - and a thinner one on top that couldn't be opened but made for a good source of light that could reach the loft.

Not only was it extremely difficult to find a place that was affordable - it had to be accessible to transport - how else was I supposed to get to my job; or the little excursions for taking over the JJK plot!! Just kidding, or am I? Despite all the difficulties, she was proud of herself that she had come this far. She already completed some of the tasks she wanted to get done - a job and a place. For the first time in a long time, she started to think that she could handle anything that came her way - she couldn't remember the last time she was this positive - even after all the times she was rejected from the jobs she applied to. She was surprised her positivity persevered. The owner of the store was very likeable and friendly. The woman owned her own business at such a young age and for some reason, she seemed a little familiar but Mia couldn't remember why. She looked forward to her shifts because her boss was just so nice and funny - it lightened the mood.

As soon as she landed the job, that's when she started applying for a home. She had to stay at various hotels at that time, which was difficult, but nothing she couldn't handle. Even with her limited experience in searching for homes, she found it somewhat enjoyable. She liked that she was shown a lot of homes, though the downside of that was that there were ones where people either died or didn't want the place because it was near a cemetery or creepy abandoned buildings - and if she couldn't see curses she would've taken some of them - she almost caved once but deemed that her sanity was worth more than saving a bit of money.

Now that I think about it, they did say this one was haunted or something but unlike the other ones, I don't think it actually was. That's probably why it was so cheap. Lucky me. When she was on her way home from work, she found a really cheap and small sofa - it was the perfect fit for her place. Apparently, the reason why it was so cheap was that they delivered it but you'd have to move it yourself. The problem with it wasn't that it was heavy, the problem was that it was awkward and Mia was on the weak side. Despite her exhaustion, her will to save a little money alone was the only thing that helped her through this tough time. She hoisted it up the front steps, took a break, continued into the lobby, took another break, and that repeated until she arrived at her front door. As soon as she pushed the sofa where she wanted it, all she could think about was sleep. She quickly hopped into the shower, brushed her teeth, and then climbed up the ladder to get to her bed. The moment her head hit the pillow, she remained all the more awake.

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