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As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the windows of her bedroom, Skye couldn't help but feel nervous. Today was the day she would leave for her first year at Stalhedge Academy, and she couldn't wait to start her new journey.

She sat up in her bed, feeling a rush of adrenaline course through her veins. She had waited for this day for years, ever since she discovered her own magical abilities, and spent countless hours reading books about magic and practicing spells, and now she was finally going to attend the prestigious academy she's waited so long to attend.

She looked around her room, taking in every detail, from the posters on the walls to the books on her shelves. She knew she would miss this room, but was ready to move on to bigger and better things.

As she made her way downstairs with her suitcase, she could hear the sounds of her family chatting from the kitchen. Awryn was finishing his breakfast, and her parents were bustling around the kitchen, making sure everything was ready for the big day.

"Good morning, sweetie!" Her mother greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Mom." She replied, feeling a lump form in her throat.

"Are you excited for your first day?" Her father asked, patting her on the back.

"Yes, I am." Skye answered, trying to keep the tears at bay. Willow, who was already dressed in her purple uniform, came over to hug Skye.

"Don't worry, Skye. You're going to do great." She whispered in her ear.

A feeling of comfort washed over her as she hugged her sister back. She knew that Willow had gone through the same thing when she started her first year, and she was glad to have her as a role model.

After breakfast, everyone began saying their goodbyes to Skye and Willow. Millie, with her hair in pigtails and clutching her favorite stuffed unicorn, looked up at them with big teary eyes. "I don't want you both to go." She whimpered, her lips pouting.

Skye began to feel bad, knowing this was every year with Willow when she would leave. Both her and Millie would cry and hug their big sister tightly as she left for the academy, and now that they both were leaving, Millie won't have much company anymore.

Willow knelt down and hugged her sister tightly. "We'll be back before you know it." She said, her voice filled with reassurance.

Awryn, towering over Skye, gave her a big bear hug. "Make us proud, Skyebug." He said, his eyes shining with emotion.

Willow, picking Millie up and placing her on her hip, gave Skye a knowing smile. "Don't worry, little sis. You're going to love it there." She assured.

The family then took out a pouch of magic powder and sprinkled it over themselves. The world around them blurred and twisted, and suddenly they were standing in the Hippogriff stables.

The stables were huge, with rows and rows of hippogriffs peeking their heads out of the windows. Skye was in awe of the majestic creatures, who were much larger than she had expected.

She noticed a line of students waiting to choose the hippogriffs that will be their rides for the next seven years. When it was her turn, the stable owner, a gruff-looking man with a bushy beard, came over to them. "Ah, another new student!" He spoke, his voice booming.

"From the red hair and familiar face, I assume you're a Rosenberg?" The man guessed. Skye nodded, not having expected anyone to catch
on to her family resemblance.

"I figured. I've paired your parents up with their hippogriffs back in the day, and even your older siblings as well. You look just like your father and brother you know? Such nice people they were." The man remenicined. Skye wasn't much into talking, and only wanted to get her hippogriff and move on with her day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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