Chapter 11~ Switching the plan

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*y/n's Bedroom*

          When I woke up it was early in the morning, the alarm clock said it was 8:15. Bowser was still holding onto me, had we stayed together the whole night? I guess he was attached.
          I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he pulled me back to him. "What are you doing"? His voice was slurred probably because he had just woken up then.
          "I'm getting up, it 8:15 and I have to get ready".
          "Noo, Stay here for a little bit longer". He wrapped me up yet again and this time I have in. If he wanted me with him so bad then I would comply, after all he was still Bowser- the ruthless koopa who could set whole kingdoms on fire and not bat an eye. We faced each other and I just laid my head on his chest as we both enjoyed the early morning silence.
          "Bowser. When do you plan on getting up and ready"? It had apparently slipped both of our minds as to what we said yesterday. I would take the princesses place and send her home.
          "I'll get up once I'm done with you". Was I going to have to remind him of his plan?
          "Uhm Bowser something you said yesterday, was it true"? He looked down at me trying to figure what I was referring to. "Alright I'll remind you. Yesterday you came to my room and said 'What if you take Peaches place at the wedding and she runs off back to her kingdom all willy nilly yada yada ya' Or whatever you said". Bowser's eyes widened as he recollected what he had said.
          "Aw shit"- Bowser got up from our spot which was particularly comfortable and stepped outside onto the balcony. "KAMEK"! jeez how often did he yell that.
          "Yes sire". He looked around and realized that Bowser was in y/n's room instead of his own.Not only that but I was still just in a bathrobe from my shower the night before. "Do not punish me for questioning you my lord but why are you in our room for the prisoner"?
          "I'll tell you in a minute, but anyways- I need all preparations for the wedding today to be put to a halt. Then on my word... Let Peach go". Bowser looked back at me nervously. It made sense, he was changing his whole life plan to marry someone he had met on accident just a few days ago.
          "Beg my pardon sir But I am now fully questioning you".
          It seemed to annoy the king anytime his orders were not seen through as fast as possible. "Did you hear me correctly? Cancel all preparations. NOW".
          "Y-yes my lord". Kamek made his way into a puff of smoke and Bowser turned back to me. "I guess now is probably a good time for this but- will you marry me Y/n"? Why was he asking me this like it was a question? Of course I was going to say yes.
          "Yes Bowser, I'll marry you". He undoubtedly already knew the answer but hearing it from me made him light up with joy, his heavy tail started a wagging like motion but he stopped once he heard it crash into a few things.
          Bowser pulled me into a kiss, he had to lift me up in order for me to reach him and it was one of the most amazing moments. He made me feel important, Bowser never neglected my feelings nor disrespected me when it was not due.
          The kiss lasted longer than expected, it was hot and passionate. (Quite literally it was hot, I was kissing a fire breathing dragon) Oh- Oh~ Bowser pushed my back against the railing of the balcony, one arm holding me from falling and the other was holding onto the edge. It was visible how much the kiss drove him wild by the way his free hand was holding onto the rail.
          I audibly gasped as he picked me up and held me close to him. My legs were partially wrapped around him and I now had one hand in his messy red hair and one hand holding onto him. He brought me over to the bed.
          "This Is killing me". Bowser tugged at the tied part of the robe that held it together knowing damn well I only had undergarments beneath it. He untied the robe and I slipped out of it. Bowser gazed upon my close to bare body that he now had full control of. I was going to let him do whatever he wanted.
          "Ahh"~ Bowser bent down and took in my smell, he put his nose in the crook between my neck and shoulders then made his way down and-
          I let out a soft moan as he got near my chest area and started leaving kisses.
          "I'm gonna make you the happiest bride, just you wait" He looked back up at me and his big beautiful eyes were glowing with lust, he knew what he wanted to do and just how but would he?
          He placed one of his hands near my waist and felt the curve of it in his hand.
          "Damn you y/n, your perfect" His hands grazed your body and reached where your hips made a natural spot for his hands to rest. After a moment or so of
Another kiss, Bowser got back to trying to make you crazy. While his hands were not gentle and hardly normal sized, he had had both his hands on my hips and his thumbs softly caressed my 'lower' region and met my waistband where my thin underwear started.
          "Oh God Bowser, please"- I was lying there feeling his every touch and hearing his every grown matched with all of my wild moans.
          He had started to work the clothes off my body when-
Through the doors you could hear Kameks raspy voice "Sire"! "Should we start up new wedding plans? I can have the tailor come in and get y/n fitted" Oh God he couldn't come in with us both like this.
          I sat up and started shifting back into the robe. Bowser turned over to the mirror and looked at his disheveled figure and his messy hair.
          "Sire"?! "Are you there"?
          "Ugh YES KAMEK GIVE ME A MOMENT"!! Bowser yelled at the door and tried to help me up and actually apologized for the interruption. Bowser really did act softer around me.
          He opened the doors once we both got situated, "NOW- What is it"?!
          "I have a tailor here to fit y/n for their wedding attire. Whatever y/n has in mind, unless you are choosing the outfit"? Kamek kinda just stood before Bowser looking all the way up to try and reach eye level.
          "I trust y/n can come up with something fitting for this wedding". He looked at me and softly smiled before getting back to his angry tone with Kamek. "Whatever their design ends up looking like try and make mine similar".
          "Ok if you could step out while we work then that would be great". The tailor spoke to Bowser as if he couldn't snap their neck just for a rude tone with him.
          "See you in a bit Bowser". "Love you"- just as the room doors began to shut on us I saw him turn around and realize I had just said I loved him.

*Bowser's POV*

The doors began to shut on me and y/n. Did they just say that they loved me?
          "I love you too".
End of chapter 11~

Writers note

Hello, I am back from my needed rest and I hope that this chapter is to your likings ;) Goodnight. ALSO, the story is ending soon so I hope you guys like the story.

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