【7】 - The Night's Final Encounter

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The Night's Final Encounter



content warning: firearm use

As anticipated, Aurora and Akiri hadn't run into any problems as they made their escape.

They headed straight for the rooftop the second their dance ended. They knew their enemies would be searching relentlessly for them on the first few floors, and they'd most certainly already had the front door blocked off. Their best bet was to make it to the top floor.

Fortunately, Aurora recalled that the venue had a great number of balconies on its front side. They'd be able to use that to their advantage, jumping from each ledge until they reached the ground floor.

It was a foolproof plan– until the moment they arrived.

Aurora and Akiri burst through the steel door leading to the rooftop, closing it swiftly behind themselves. They pounded out into the clearing, their eyes quickly darting around their surroundings.

There wasn't any sight of the serpentine.

But they weren't alone, either.

Just before they could follow through with their escape plan, a sudden movement caught their attention.

A familiar figure revealed himself from behind the rooftop's closest ridge, pointing his pistol towards them from across the clearing.

A scowl crossed over Aurora's lips as she and Akiri froze, while the culprit himself stared daggers into her eyes.

"Just as expected." He grinned. "Of course you conveniently disappeared– you thought we wouldn't check here, but we're two steps ahead."

Aurora growled, inching closer towards Akiri to shield her from him, but he wasn't the only opponent they needed to worry about. A chorus of loud THUDs sounded from behind them; Aurora turned around just as the remaining members of the Den of Snakes leapt from behind another ridge, landing directly behind them. They circled around Aurora and Akiri with low hisses, cutting them off from the exit.

In but a moment, Aurora's ideas of a sudden escape dissipated into nothingness. There was nowhere else for them to run.

They'd have no choice but to fight their way out.

"Well, this has been fun," the culprit laughed. "But I'm afraid this is your end."

Aurora and Akiri looked towards one another with a shared understanding, exchanging a silent message. Aurora's muscles tensed as she fixed her gaze on their primary opponent, preparing for the worst.

This wasn't the first time they'd been threatened at gunpoint like this. Both Aurora and Akiri knew well that their best chance of survival was by making themselves difficult targets. If they scattered before the culprit fired, there would be a slimmer chance of either of them being hit by his first shot.

But that didn't make such a task any less risky. If neither of them disarmed the culprit before he could fire another round, their chances of escaping unscathed would be close to zero.

They only had one, final chance.

Time seemed to slow to a complete halt as the group simultaneously braced for action.

Ninjago: Amplified 【 Midnight Masquerade 】Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang