31 opening night

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"Are you nervous or something?"

Scaramouche turns from where he was peering through the curtains, gracing you with a raised brow.

"No, just shocked. My mother is out there."

"Really?" you say, feigning surprise as you look out into the audience.

"Yeah," Scaramouche says, trailing off, "I didn't even send her the ticket. Did she buy one just for me?" he asks, his tone a little hopeful.

You internally winced at his tone, halting at the confession that was sitting at the tip of your tongue.

"Final call!" Miss Lisa shouted as she walked past, pointing to the both of you two.

"Guess we should go," Scaramouche muses, adjusting his scissorhands props resting on his palms.

"Hey, I should probably tell you something," you say.

"Yeah?" he asks, sounding oddly hopeful.

"I was actually the—"

"PLACES!" Yoimiya yelled, grabbing you both by your elbows and dragging you towards the stage, "Chat later!"

You blinked, startled as you were shoved into your spot on stage.

"I can wait," Scara assures, sending you a smile, "Kim."

You let out a hesitant laugh as the lights flickered off, the curtains pulled to showcase you both on stage. You could feel a thousand eyes on your back, waiting for your performance.

You took a deep breath.

Let the show begin.



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just playing the part | scara smauWhere stories live. Discover now