08 auditions

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You stood by the wings clutching your script as you watched the other students go before you

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You stood by the wings clutching your script as you watched the other students go before you. You were taking note of everything they did right and wrong and muttering the words to the monologue under your breath

"If you're this nervous you should just quit."

You felt your breath hitch when you heard a familiar voice by your ear, causing you to turn to face Scaramouche. He wasn't holding a script and simply leaned against the wall, seemingly with no care as he nodded to your hands.

"Still memorizing minutes before auditions?"

"Shut up," you huff, tossing the script aside.

"Scaramouche for the part of Edward!" Lisa called out from the stands.

"That's my cue," Scara muses, making his way to leave, "Take notes," he adds, waving behind him as he steps out onto the stage. You're too preoccupied with auditions to come up with a decent comeback.

You can overhear Childe scream from the wings of the stage, causing a small smile to tilt on your lips. Your gaze peers over through the curtains to watch Scara clear his throat and start. His eyes shine and his hands move, the light hitting him directly on stage. He's glowing and his performance is alluring to watch. It's weird seeing him so animatic when he's usually so reclusive.

When he's done he walks off with such nonchalance that makes you envious. He shoots you a look before he leaves.

"Good luck," he hums, walking past you

"Y/n for the part of Edward! Lisa called out from the stands.

Here goes nothing...

Here goes nothing

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just playing the part | scara smauWhere stories live. Discover now