Dark Flower (2nd Chapter)

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Alice decided not to leave right away, she observed King Romen instead of confronting him...

Luciel decided to let her be until Alice was ready to leave the castle behind...

A Month Later...

Alice stared deeply into a mirror with numbness in her eyes, she decided she could not leave the castle just yet, she wasn't ready to leave everything behind...

She felt like a garden snake, observing her prey before attacking.

She heard a knock at her door and went to open it, It was one of her servants...

Servant: "Miss, the king wants you down at the table for dinner tonight"

Alice replied: "Okay, thank you for letting me know"

Alice closed the door and went to her bed and she decided to lie down for a little, she did not wanna see the king's face, she knew he was bad and she wished her mother was still alive to tell her what to do in this situation.

She remembered that she was alone in this nightmare and she had nobody but herself, She was her one and only person... could not trust anyone in this world including men.

She was a child who saw all the bad in men and no good...

it was hard being a little girl with no good male examples.

An hour later~

Alice walked down to the dining room, she was not wearing any fancy dress to the dinner, she normally ate her dinner in her room alone and preferred to because the castle was frustrating to walk through especially with it being so big.

Once she got to the table she sat down at the end next to the king, there was another woman on the other side of him, she had blond hair with blue eyes and looked like she was trying to be the new queen.

She observed her for a second, King Romen then decided to start a conversation well the servants placed food in front of them...

King Romen: "This is Stephina, she and I have been talking and she is going to be the new queen..."

Alice looked in shock as her mother had not only passed away a month ago but that he could move so fast and not look back to how her mother did everything he had asked.

Alice finally replied: "Oh..."

Stephina stared at Alice seeing how her reaction was not anything she had expected, she just looked too stunned to speak.

Alice did not speak anymore and ate her food well the king and stephia spoke.

Alice then overheard the king say something that made her stomach drop...

King Romen: "So Alice, what do you think of the academy near us... they'd make you use manners and teach you the ways of being a good wife and one day queen~"

Alice replied: "So you want to send me away a month after my mother died?"

The king and Stephina stared deeply in disbelief that Alice even spoke back and then the king raised his tone...

King Romen: "You do not speak to me like that young lady!"

Alice chuckled: "I know too much for that..."

Alice excused herself and walked out of the dining room, she knew she would only be able to go to that academy when she was 10-16 but she did not want to leave to be trained like some puppet for some husband to eventually take her hand in marriage one day and then control her life.

She wanted freedom from royalty.

She walked into her room to find Luciel in her room reading a book on her bed, she gasped when she noticed him.

Luciel: "Been a while!"

Alice replied: "Why are you in my room?"

Luciel: "Decided I'd visit and in hopes you'd leave with me..."

Alice: "I can't yet!"

Luciel: "Come on..."

Alice: "Not yet..."

Luciel nodded and disappeared into the darkness on her opened balcony doors...

She sighed and laid down on her bed not even bothering to get changed and she drifted off to sleep.

2 ish years later, Alice's 10th birthday~

Alice brushed her hair with her mother's old brush and put light makeup on, one of her servants helped her get into a gown, and once she was finally done getting ready for her birthday party she sat on her bed and sighed...

Moments Later~

She went out to the barn to saddle up her horse, she got the horse on her 9th birthday from one of her aunties she decided, she wanted to take a ride in the fields before her birthday party started and so she did.

As she was riding through the green corn fields, she loved the smell of the green corn fields, her escape was this way, and she could not feel at peace any other way.

She returned on her horse to the castle's barn and put her horse away in the barn. She walked to the castle and the king was talking to one of the servants, he glanced at Alice and then said in a stern voice...

King Romen: "Where the hell were you!"

Alice replied: "I was out riding my horse..."

King Romen smacked Alice on the side of the face in anger...

Alice fell to the floor and glared at him for doing that...

King Romen grabbed Alice by the chin and said...

King Romen: "You forgot to ask if you could leave you little brat..."

Alice slapped his hand away and ran to the stairs through the hallway and slammed the doors that were to her room... she sat on the other side of her doors crying wishing she had her mother here because she had to face the abuse alone...

Some Months Later~

Alice was sent away to a princess boarding school until, throughout those years of being there... she'd gained magic in her... she was finally away from the abuse of her father, that now her stepmother Stephina would have to face alone...

Alice: "Hello I am Alice... I am 10 years old and will be here until I am 16 years old..."

Mistress Cora: "Welcome dear, we are pleased to have you and will enjoy making you into a very young and bright lady!"

Alice nodded and observed the place, so many young girls like her with books and stuff around her... there were tall stairs that lead to the rooms where the girls stayed and a huge glass light that sparkled above the main entrance.

Mistress Cora: "I will go over the rules with you once I show you around dear!"

Alice nodded and then observed Mistress Cora, She was tall with her high heels and the short fancy gown that made her look very intimidating but she was very sweet in a way...

Alice just observed more and then she got shown her room...

(To Be Continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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