Red Moon (1st Chapter)

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2 weeks later from the things Alice heard in the king's meeting room~

It was late at night in the castle and little Alice was getting ready for bed, there was a party going on at the main entrance and it was only for the adults so Alice had no choice but to try and sleep without a story from her mother. She was remembering what she heard in her stepfather's meeting room that late night and how he gave that man a glowing dagger, she still wondered who they were out to kill and she had a bad gut feeling it was someone she was close to that the king was going after.

She thought to herself for a moment and then stepped out onto her balcony where you could see the whole courtyard from her view and the moon was blood red, she looked down from her balcony to see her mother and the guy... the guy's body type looked so familiar and then her mother let out a fearful gasp... Alice saw that her mother had a glowing object in her heart area, Alice was too in shock, especially as an 8-year-old little girl but she hid in the shadows of her balcony and saw the man place a hood on his head and had an evil dark grin on his face walking away from the none moving body of her fragile mother... Queen Ellie... her mother... dead... Little Alice had no idea what to do but hide, Alice fell to her legs and began to realize that this was the king's plan and that glowing object was the dagger her father handed the hooded man... that hooded man killed her mother... because her stepdad paid for it... She then remembers the secret her mother told her about the powers at the age of 10 that start to come... and the king did not know but he figured it out and called her a "witch" which is what he said in the meeting room to that hooded man, as Alice connected all the dots she felt sick to her stomach.

Alice slowly closed the balcony doors still in shock of course, she then went to lie in bed and did not sleep at all that night... she had no clue who to tell about what she witnessed and she just sat in her bed thinking it through eventually drifting off to sleep.

The next morning Alice thought she had awakened from a nightmare but no.. it was no nightmare as she then heard a knock on her door from one of the servants, Alice got out of bed and opened her bedroom door and the servant girl handed her a note from the king which said: "Dear Alice, I am sorry, but your mother was killed last night, such an unexpected death and we will need to plan the funeral, my sweet child". Alice gritted her teeth and ripped the letter realizing it was no nightmare, she remembered how her mother taught her to pretend, how it could help her get out of situations alike this one.

At her Mother's Funeral~

She got dressed and placed a necklace her mother gave her on her 8th birthday around her neck, she walked out of her room in a black gown and walked down the stairs towards the ballroom where millions of people were dressed in black, people she did not even know and she pretended to not know the real story just to keep herself safe from her evil and cruel stepfather. Just as she was talking to some other little girls that felt bad for her, her stepfather came behind her with a so-called friend and as Alice turned around politely she saw the man who had the same body type as the man that killed her mother as her stepfather behind her was about to introduce this person and a boy to Alice...

She stared in shock for a moment and blanked out as her stepfather, the king said something to her, she had no idea how to pretend anymore and went blank.

King Roman: "This is Kell and his son Luciel I am sure you know him from when you were 5 years old"

Alice looked at the familiar boy and his dad...

Alice: "Ah... N-nice to meet you K-kell~ "

Kell: "Oh how pleasant to meet you, my dear Alice, I have heard many things about you and how you are so polite and intelligent for your age"

Alice nodded and quickly turned away saying: "Excuse me for a second!"

Alice looked at Kell from a distance realizing it was one of her good friend's father, she turned away quickly and ran to her room hoping nobody would notice.

She ran through the halls, up the stairs pulling up her black gown and closing the door behind her, she looked through the mirror and started to cry because the grief of losing her mother was starting to hit her, her mother would know what to do...

She wondered why Luciel didn't say anything, his eyes looked dark and he looked a bit older than her for sure, she was concerned why he didn't say hello but then again what was he post to say... sorry for your loss... like everyone else?

Alice sighed and got into some comfortable clothing she felt like she was having to be way too mature, especially for an 8-year-old in this situation... Just as Alice was thinking she heard a knock on her bedroom door and she said with a sigh "I'm coming~".

She opened the door to see the sight of Luciel, he looked like he was a 12-year-old, he had red tinted brown hair and was about way taller than her with dark brown eyes, she pushed her back into the room and closed the door quietly...

Luciel: "I know what my dad and your stepfather were planning and I don't think I should be telling you this but you are only 8 and what they planned is already taken action..."

Alice stood in shock for a moment that Luciel knew about it.

Luciel: "I have a friend that knew what your mother was..."

Alice: "What even is my mother exactly..?"

Luciel: "She was an enchantress..."

Alice: "My mother never told me that was what she was... she only told me about the powers..."

Luciel interrupted: "Listen, Alice, My father is a bad man, and so is King Romen, you need to leave before it's too late, I know you are very young but if you were to stay here they'll kill you next."

Alice realized what Luciel was saying and she then went numb...

Alice: "I Will leave then..."

(To be Continued)

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