She walked downstairs and prepared tea for them to drink as they talked and brought it outside to her backyard where she had a table and a seating area. Reign had a nice sized couch out there with some chairs that she never used since she never really went outside at her house. As she was setting out the cups, she heard her doorbell ring. Reign composed herself as she walked through the house to open the door.

When she opened it she saw Hatori dressed casually. Reign opened the door wider and moved out of the way so he could enter. He did so and put his hands in his pockets as Reign shut the door behind him.

"I decided that we should talk outside. The weather's nice and I don't want to stay cooped up in my home." she said, walking towards her backyard.

"I see."

The curt response made goosebumps form on Reign's arms but she couldn't focus on them. She had bigger things to worry about. When they got outside, the two of them sat down on the couch Reign had. Reign sat on one of her legs facing Hatori while he sat faced turned her.

"Now," he said, picking up his tea. "What did you need to talk about?"

Reign sighed and played with her sleeves on her kimono. "Promise me you'll hear me out."

He nodded and set his cup down. "Why wouldn't I? You haven't had an unreasonable request as of late."

"Well this one may seem that way to you."

Hatori went to cup her cheek but she didn't let him. He retracted his hand and eyed her.

"Please, enlighten me. You're acting weird." he said, looking away from her.

She cleared her throat before speaking. "We both know that we're in a relationship. I don't want to continue to have to hide this relationship just because of Akito. So, I was thinking we go and-"

"No." Hatori said firmly.

Reign paused for a moment, processing his words before speaking. "No? Why not?"

"Reign I'm partially blind in one eye thanks to Akito. You remember what happened last time I brought my relationship status up to Akito."

"I'm well aware! I was the one who treated you and Kana!" she said, her voice becoming a bit louder.

Hatori sighed. "Then what makes you think I'd go and bring this relationship up with Akito? The same thing would happen, if not something worse."

Reign scoffed. "I'm not Kana and you're not you from three years ago."

"Regardless the same result would occur. Let's not say anything."

"You're serious?" she asked, her voice becoming quiet. "Do you want to keep hiding like this? Are you satisfied like this?"

He didn't say anything and that angered Reign. She didn't want to be around him anymore because of his sudden attitude change. A relationship was about compromise. She went at his pace with a lot of things and he did the same with her but this was something really big and he didn't even consider it. That in itself made her upset. Reign got up and walked away from him, only for him to grab her hand and stop her from leaving.

"Let go of me." she said, trying to calm herself.

"If I let you go you'll be even more upset. Just sit down and we'll talk about something else." he simply said.

Reign SomaWhere stories live. Discover now