Chapter One - Shattering

Start from the beginning

With a rough jerk she was bumped into by an older classmate. She rubbed her shoulder silently and then looked into his eyes. She knew he was a grade above her and graduating this year, a big beefy boy with pig eyes and a bulbous nose. "Watch your Steps!" he bluffed at her, then pulled out his bag and slammed it down on Hazel. Stars exploded just before her eyes and she lost her balance and fell on her backside. She heard him and his friends laugh and walk away, then the hallway was quiet and empty. Her sense of balance hadn't graced her yet, so she slid against the wall and leaned against it, exhausted. Hazel grabbed the spot that hurt her the most and felt blood. Her adoptive mother would kill her if the dear uniform was soiled with it. She hurriedly searched her pocket for her handkerchief and pressed it to the wound. She took a deep breath and tried to stand up when a hand slid into her vision. That girl again. Staggering, Hazel accepted the help and stood up. "Who was that?" the girl just asked. Hazel shrugged. "Graduating class. Big, beefy, ugly," she murmured, seeing the girl's brown eyes brighten. "Jonathan Haze. Come on, I'll take you to the nurse and then I'll get the principal," she said, grabbing Hazel's right arm and helping her into the hospital room. "Nurse Mountainburry, are you there?" the girl called into the seemingly empty room, but the answer of the elderly lady came from another room. "Sit down, I'll be right there" she called. Hazel sat down on one of the beds, the handkerchief still pressed to the wound and was getting soaked. "When she's here, I'll go and fetch Mr. Hamsworth. Your name is Hazel, isn't it? I'm Edwina" she said smiling and Hazel just nodded. Edwina wondered about the blank stare and her silence, but she had never seen her any other.

After a few minutes of waiting, Nurse Mountainburry came out of the next room and attended to Hazel's wound, which had stopped bleeding in the meantime. After she told the principal what had happened, the only question left was whether she would be able to go home on her own. Hazel preferred it when everyone left her alone, but the nurse decided that she was still too shaky on her feet.

"I can accompany her half the way, we live in the same street" Edwina said then and so it was decided. To Hazel's delight, her gait became increasingly secure as she walked. But suddenly Edwina yelled "Watch out!" and an owl pounced on her shoulder. "What..." a word escaped Hazel's lips as she felt the owl's weight and almost lost her balance again. She glanced at the owl out of the corner of her eye and it seemed to be the same one from the morning. "Wow... what... why is it doing that?" Edwina marveled. Hazel didn't know. "What do you want owl? Go away," Hazel murmured, waving her away. Fluttering, it ruffled Hazel's hair, left a feather in it, and disappeared. Hazel grabbed her hair and took out the feather. "What the..." she wondered. Then she shrugged, thanked Edwina and parted from her to go home.

At home, she changed into an unadorned, long-sleeved dress and placed her school bag at her desk. She silently started to do her housework, cleaning and cooking. Hazel was still a bit unsteady on her feet, but she gritted her teeth and leisurely began chopping carrots and potatoes for a stew. Faster than she would have liked - she hadn't finished the stew yet - she heard the keys jingle and her adoptive mother enter. "Hello darling, I'm home," she called, and Hazel heard fabric rustle. Cursing softly, Hazel put the rest of the vegetables into the boiling water of the pot, wiped her hands on her apron and stepped into the hallway. "Hello mother" she said and handed her the slippers. "Thank you," her adoptive mother said, stopping when she saw the wound on Hazel's forehead. Her expression immediately became concerned. "What happened?" she asked. She wanted to touch Hazel, but Hazel took a step back. She didn't like being touched. "Nothing, a classmate hit me. The headmaster knows. Everything's fine," she said, looking down, and went back into the kitchen. Behind her, Hazel heard her adoptive mother sigh, then she came into the kitchen too. Since the stew still had to simmer, Hazel decided to feed the rabbits they kept in the garden.

These animals were the only ones that could make Hazel smile. To her, the wobbly noses and grinding teeth were the most wonderful thing in the world. Hazel was particularly fond of one of the little fur balls. A small black rabbit with small white hairs like stars in the night-dark fur. Armed with a basket full of carrots, lettuce and grains, she stepped into the frozen garden, went through the fence gate into the enclosure and into the small stall. Immediately the 5 little hoppers came hobbling up and tried to climb up her legs. They were hungry. Hazel distributed the feed and knelt in the hay. The little black rabbit came hobbling up, for him the food wasn't important at the moment, he preferred to be petted by his favorite person and crawled into her lap. Hazel and Star have been soul mates since this little bunny was with them. He licked her hand happily and she smiled as the rabbit trustingly flopped onto its back and snuggled up to Hazel. Still smiling, she scratched the bunny's belly while watching the others eat. After 5 minutes her legs were tingling from kneeling, the bunny hopped to the food and Hazel stood up. The soup was already ready and her adoptive father was already sitting at the table. After dinner, Hazel went to her room to do her homework at the end of the day and then went to sleep.

Shaken by nightmares, Hazel finally got up a little early. She hardly knew what she had dreamed. Confused dreams of flying things and owls. Tired, she denied her day, which went like any other until noon. But as she was about to make her way out of the school, she heard the pounding of footsteps down the otherwise empty hallway. Hazel didn't want to turn around. She wanted her day to just go on with her routine, nothing to happen and every day to be the same because she knew what she had to do. But her wish was not fulfilled. "Black! You reported me to the headmaster!" Jonathan Haze yelled down the hall and quickened his pace. Visually apathetic, Hazel almost panicked inwardly. With no chance of escaping him in the corridor, she turned and looked into his eyes. Silent. Somehow Hazel had hoped Jonathan would find her as creepy as her classmates, but that only seemed to make him angrier. >Fuck< she thought. Angrily he grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up to him and spoke dangerously softly. "Nobody treats me like that," he said gruffly. What should she answer? What would make him let go of her? She mentally ran through a thousand possibilities as she stared at him coldly, unable to breathe. This energy, the fear, built up in her, concentrated and Hazel put everything on one card. "Because no one wants to put your stinky breath on them," she whispered, and when she tried to kick his fat belly, that energy exploded inside her and they were both thrown away from each other. Unfortunately not far enough to rest. Confused by this force, Hazel staggered to her feet and ran toward the principal's office. As she stumbled, things happened that she couldn't explain. Here and there one of the vases she ran past broke and she heard him stumble every now and then behind her. Jonathan seemed to have completely lost control of himself.

Hazel was relieved when she finally reached the stairs to the office, which luckily only spiraled up one floor and ended at the office door, and so she started to climb. "You can forget that," Jonathan murmured when he just caught her when she had already knocked once. He grabbed her collar and easily hoisted Hazel over the ledge's railing. "Forget it," he said, and when the door to the office opened, all that Hazel saw was the Headmaster's surprised face, which turned to anger and then panic when Jonathan just let her fall.

Eleazar Fig has been strolling around the school Hazel attended all day disguised as the school inspector. He was sent to find out which girl was a certain Hazel Black, who suddenly, and actually far too late, appeared on the new year's student list. The school had been very surprised. A 14, soon 15 year old student had never existed in the first grade. At least no one ever remembered. So it was his duty to take care of her, but he had to be sure that this wasn't a mistake and that the girl actually had magic.

Throughout the day he saw many girls at the school, but none seemed to have the slightest bit of magic. He only found what he was looking for when it was almost too late.

In the distance he heard a boy yelling something and he made his way straight to the south corridor, from where he heard the voice and saw a girl running away, which he hadn't even noticed that day. He knew immediately that she was the girl he was looking for, because as she ran, the vases she passed shattered, causing the boy who was chasing her to stumble. He rushed after them, but his advanced age had sapped his youthful speed and the students seemed deaf to his angry cries. He rummaged in his robes for his wand and stumbled. He cast the saving spell "Levioso" just as he saw her fall and gently lowered her to the floor where she lay unconscious and positioned himself as if he had just about caught her. Gradually, teachers emerged from their rooms, drawn by the chaos. He heard the principal of the school yell at the boy and send him to his office, which he locked before rushing downstairs. "Is she alright?" he asked, waving the school nurse over to them. "She's breathing, but I don't know what's wrong with her," said Eleazar Fig. But they quickly realized that she had hit her head on the corner of a statue hanging on the railing like a gargoyle. Everything was quickly arranged so that Hazel could be taken to the nearest hospital.

And while Eleazar was talking to her parents, she had time to wake up and opened her eyes in confusion...

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