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"I can't believe you got us into trouble again," Chaos sulks as she leans against the wall beside Maverick before slapping his arm.

Maverick looks down at her with a glare before slapping her across the back of the head. Chaos glares at Maverick before going to hit back but Cougar walks out of Stinger's office.

"Cougar," Hades calls out as Cougar walks past them since they are waiting outside Stinger's office.

"Thanks, Maverick," Cougar says as he turns to look back at them before walking off, leaving the group very confused.

"Chaos, Hades, Maverick, Goose, come in here," Stinger calls from behind the closed office door.

"What the hell's going on?" Hades asks as she walks past Goose to enter the office.

"I don't know," Goose answers his sister as they prepare to enter the office.

Chaos takes the chance to slap Maverick's head as they enter the office before standing at attention in front of Stinger's desk.

"Maverick, you just did an incredibly brave thing," Stinger says as he flips through some papers before looking up at Maverick. "What you should have done was land your plane. You don't own that plane, the taxpayers do." Maverick attempts to stand a little straighter.

"But he did the right thing," Chaos quickly defends her brother, causing Stinger to send her a glare.

"That Mitchell ego you both have is writing checks both of your bodies can't cash," Stinger says as he looks from Chaos to Maverick. "You've both been busted. Maverick lost his qualifications as section leader, three times. Put in hack twice by me." Stinger looks down at the papers on his desk, which is a list of everything that Maverick and Chaos have done during their careers as pilots. "Both of you have a history of high-speed passes over five air-control towers and Maverick has one admiral's daughter."

"Penny Benjamin?" Goose asks in a whisper as he looks over at Maverick for conformation while Chaos raises an eyebrow before Maverick shrugs.

"And you, asshole," Stinger says as he points at Goose while standing up before walking around the desk to stand behind Hades, Goose, Chaos, and Maverick. "You're lucky to be here."

"Thank you, sir," Goose quickly says as he stands back up straight while Stinger looks over at Maverick and Chaos.

"And let's not bullshit, y'all's family name ain't the best in the Navy," Stinger explains which causes Chaos to roll her eyes and grit her teeth to keep from snapping at Stinger. "You both need to be doing it better and cleaner than the other guy." Stinger walks around Chaos and Maverick to stand in front of them. "Now, what is it with you two?"

"Just wanna serve my country, be the best fighter pilot in the Navy, sir," Chaos answers him honestly with a nod of her head.

"Don't screw around with me, Chaos," Stinger says as he leans back against his desk. "You're a hell of an instinctive pilot. Maybe too good. Both of you. I'd like to bust both of your butts, but I can't. I got another problem here." Stinger takes a puff from his cigar before he shakes his head.

"I gotta send two pilots from this squadron to Miramar." Chaos tries to hold back a smile while Hades cuts her eyes over to look at Chaos, while Maverick and Chaos quickly fist bump before Stinger can notice. "I gotta do something here. I still can't believe it. I gotta give you both your dream shots. I'm gonna send you both up against the best." Stinger looks over at Goose and Hades then back at Maverick and Chaos.

"You four characters are going to Top Gun." A smile starts to form on Goose's face as he glances over at Maverick, who is holding back a smile. "For five weeks you're gonna fly against the best fighter pilots in the world and just maybe it will put your egos in check." Stinger points at Chaos as he delivers the truth.

"You were number two, Cougar was number one. Cougar lost it, turned in his wings." Stinger glances over at Hades again while shaking his head. "You girls are number one. And you guys are now number two." Stinger stands back up in front of Chaos. "But you remember one thing. You screw up just this much..." Stinger holds two of his fingers close together with barely any space between them. "You'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong."

"Yes, sir," Chaos replies to show that she understands.

"That is all," Stinger dismisses them as he glances at each of them before walking back around his desk to sit down while Maverick and Goose start backing towards the door. "You can tell me about the MiG some other time." Chaos nods with a smirk as Maverick quickly opens the door with Hades and Goose right behind him. "Gentlemen and ladies." The four turn to look back at Stinger. "Good luck."

"Thank you, sir," Chaos and Maverick both respond before leaving the office.

"We're going to Top Gun!" Chaos cheers excitedly after they get far enough away from Stinger's office.

"It's exactly where we belong," Maverick confidently says with a smirk as he gives his sister an one armed hug.

"Yeah, if you two don't end up getting us kicked out," Hades retorts which causes Chaos to playfully shove her RIO before they all go to pack their belongings since they would be flying out in the morning.

That night, Chaos has trouble sleeping because of her excitement. So, she decides to take a final walk around the ship before she stops on the lower deck which allows her to look out at the water.

"I figured I would find you here," Hades says as she walks over to her best friend.

"I'm too excited to sleep," Chaos admits with a sheepish smile, causing Hades to nod in understanding. "I've dreamed about going to Top Gun, as far back as I can remember. I just don't want to mess this up for us."

"Paris," Hades says softly to fully gain Chaos' attention. "Everything Stinger said is true. You're an amazing pilot. I'd ride with you anywhere, even if it we didn't make it back."

"Well, let's hope that never happens," Chaos teases which causes Hades to playfully shove her.

"Just promise me something," Hades says as she looks up at Chaos with pleading eyes.

"Anything," Chaos agrees with a nod.

"If something were to happen and you made it back but I didn't," Hades explains as Chaos goes to interrupt but Hades raises a hand to stop Chaos. "Promise me that you will be there for my daughter in anyway that you can. And let her be anything that she wants to be, even if it is being a pilot."

"I promise," Chaos promises as she pulls Hades into a hug.

"Thank you," Hades says with a sigh of relief, knowing that her daughter would be in good hands if something ever ended up happening to her.

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