1: Interview

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A/N: Y/N- your name, L/N- last name, F/N- full name. I think that's it please enjoy!

I anxiously waited in a lobby like area for my name to be called for the interview. I couldn't believe I'd gotten here honestly. They enjoyed my self tape audition I'd sent in but since that was recorded I could easily edit out what I didn't like or want. I'd also passed, I guess that's how you'd say it, the phone interview. But that wasn't very long, twenty minutes at most ten at the least, so it was easy for me to think about my stutter and suppress my tics. Being here for an in person interview though? I know it'll be almost impossible for me to suppress my tics and control my stutter. I sincerely hope they can see my value and talent as a potential cast member regardless of my speech impediment and Tourette's. I know I'm good enough and I just hope they can see that too. My heightened anxiety was not helping the situation at all. I was jerking my neck, scrunching my face, flaring my nostrils, ect. In no particular order but repeatedly. Gotta love tics.

I put on my headphones to help get myself out of my head and distract myself. I put on my favorite playlist and just zoned out getting into the music to help myself.

"Y/N" I couldn't hear over the music...

"Y/N?" Still nothing...

"Y/N?!" Shit. There it is. I quickly shut off my headphones and shoved them into my bag as I stood up.

"Yes, here. I'm sorry."

"That's alright, just follow me." I straightened out my button down. Which was a soft lavender purple. I also made sure my black skinny tie wasn't crooked as well as fixed my hair and pushed up my glasses. I was led into a woman's office and sat across from her at her desk.

"Hi Mr. L/N, I'm Lesley Wolff. It's nice to finally meet you in person." She said with a smile before standing up to shake my hand. I did the same.

"It's nice to meet you too." Ok off to a good start, at least I didn't stutter right out of the gate. We both sat back down.

"Alright, well, if you're ready we can just get right into it."

"Yeah, yeah. Of course." Oh boy, so this is really happening.

"I'm just going to be honest with you," Shit. "we really enjoyed everything we've seen from you and I don't have too much of an interview left to do!" OH MY GOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!! Ok compose yourself boy.

"I-is that so?" I said with a slight chuckle.

*neck jerk*

It's ok Y/N, everythings alright you're already doing great.

"If you're up to it I'd like to bring in Mr. Hecox to see if he has anything he'd like to ask you or go over and then we can see where to go from there." She had a smile that never left her face.

"Yeah, that sounds good to me! I-I-I-I-I'd be fine with that." Nooooooooooo whyyyyyyy. It's ok though, it's fine my tics aren't bad, just a neck jerk or nostril flare every now and then and honestly that's not too bad of a stutter. And of course those I'd been in contact with about the interview were made aware of my conditions.

"Alright, you sit tight and I'll go see if he's available." Then she went to go get Ian. Of course I'd seen many-a-smosh-video so I was a bit nervous to meet such an important part of the company as well as just YouTube in general.

She came back a bit later, Ian following close behind. I stood up as they came back into Lesley's office. Ian leaned toward me for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Ian Hecox."

"F/N." I returned, it was a solid handshake and I appreciated how he was formal yet still layed back at the same time.

"Well similar to what Lesley here said, I really don't have too much left to do interview wise. The only real thing we have left is a chemistry read of sorts. We'd have you do a small scene with a couple members of our current cast. Uh, it would be on camera too so we could gauge more of how you are on camera. We would normally do it a different day but seeing as how we didn't do much of an interview and you where the last on the schedule for the day we could do it right now if you're up to it." Ok, why is this going so well right now? This is weird. But like, good weird.

Hopeless Romantic (Damien Haas X Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя