"I want to talk about it now. I don't care if you think it'll ruin your plan."

"Fine, fine," I sigh. I shift my body a little to look at her better. "I know you've been stressed out about things and I just wanted to do something nice to help distract you for a little while."

"I mean, it worked a little bit at least. I haven't been thinking about much since we left the house."

"Is there anything you want to talk about?"

Her teeth nibble on her bottom lip before she moves from her place next to me, food and drinks between us. She carefully tucks herself against my side without ruining any of the leftover food so I sit up and wind an arm around her waist. "What if she says no?"


"My mom. What if she doesn't want me to come?"

"You guys have been talking more and more lately, right?"

"Yeah, a little bit I guess."

"Okay, so it's showing growth on both sides. You need to clear the air with her, and I think if you're honestly ready to talk to her, you need to push it. If she doesn't reciprocate, then that's on her."

"Will you come with me?"


"To California?"

"Yeah, and to meet her. I don't know if I can do it without you."

I pull her into my lap, letting her legs wrap around my hips, one of my wrists balancing on her shoulder from behind. "Mac, baby, you're so freaking strong. You can do anything you put your mind to."

"I'm just nervous and I don't even know if it's going to happen. For all I know she's going to say no and I got worked up for nothing."

"You're allowed to feel however you want. If you're nervous about talking to her, that's okay. It's also okay to be excited and anxious about it." I brush my thumb along the angle of her cheekbone.

"I know all that, I just. I really need you there. You're important to me and I want you there. If things don't go well, I don't know how I'll be."

"You'll be okay. It'll hurt, but you're strong enough to push through it," I tell her. "I'll be there if you want me to though, of course. It's not even a question."

"Please. I don't want to be alone there."

"You won't ever be alone, not while I'm here. I'll always be here, beside you and waiting for you when you're doing something on your own because you're incredible."

"I don't know how I ended up deserving someone like you."

"I feel the same about you, baby. I love you. I'm not going anywhere."

"I love you too, Wes," she leans in and kisses me.

My lips greedily meet hers and she takes control, her tongue pushing into my mouth, both of us sighing into the kiss. I cradle the side of her head to keep her close, my thumb gently pressing against her jawline to tip her head to deepen the kiss despite her mainly being the one to guide this moment between us.

Her arms wrap around my neck and her fingers thread through the ends of my hair to gently scratch her nails up the back of my head and back down. She repeats the soothing act a couple more times before she breaks away. "Wait," she mumbles against my lips.

"Mm?" I tilt my head to kiss along her jawline to kiss below her ear.

"I should call." she sighs, tipping her head to the side in relaxation as I pepper her skin with soft kisses.

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