Come to my Garden

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

One-shot is set several years in the future, Val and Lucas are in college and are still together (obviously lol). Title is from The Secret Garden (Original Broadway Musical) script and lyrics by Marsha Norman, music by Lucy Simon.

Lucas knocked on the Matthews' door and waited, he was meeting Val so they could hang out together.

Topanga opened the door "Oh, Lucas, come in. How are you?"

"I'm good, thank you." Lucas smiled politely "How are you Mrs. Matthews?"

"Busy, but that's not new." Topanga waved him up the stairs "Val's on the roof, she's expecting you."

"Thank you, ma'am." Lucas tipped his imaginary hat, making Topanga laugh, and headed up the stairs.

He opened the door and was temporarily blinded by the bright sunlight. Blinking quickly, he glanced around the area, his eyes landed on the little rooftop garden Val had cultivated. She was kneeling in the dirt, a pair of jean shorts and a purple tee covered in a fair bit of dust. Her long brown hair was tied back in a braid and Lucas couldn't help but grin. Val was so focused on whatever she was planting, she didn't even notice he'd come up.

"Hey!" He called, getting his girlfriend's attention.

Val hopped up, brushing the dust and dirt off her clothes before she raced over to give Lucas a hug.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting you until one." Val laughed.

"It is one." Lucas teased "You lose track of time?"

"What?" Val quickly pulled out her phone to double check "Huh. I guess I did. Sorry."

Lucas snorted and kissed her forehead "Don't be sorry. You were focused, I think it's amazing."

Val blushed "Hush, you. Want some lemonade?"

"Love some."

The duo sat down at the little table and Val poured them both some lemonade. They sat together, soaking in the sunlight, hearing the bustle of the city below, and the chirping of the birds above.

"What are you doing with the garden?" Lucas broke the silence.

"Right now, I'm planning on tomatoes, basil, peppers, rosemary, and mint." Val ticked off on her fingers "I already planted the basil and peppers, and I was getting started on the tomatoes when you came up."

"Think they'll be any good?"

"I don't know." Val shrugged "I hope so. It'd be nice not to have to run to the store every time I need stuff. It's too people-y out there."

They both laughed, it was hard to remember sometimes that, for all her friends, Val preferred to be in smaller groups or alone. She hated having to make pointless small talk with strangers and would rather be in a place she was comfortable in. Her room and the library were her sanctuaries, and she could usually be found in one or the other, tucked away with a book. Maybe this rooftop garden could become a sanctuary too.

"I brought some flower seeds." Lucas offered when their giggles had subsided "Should we plant them?"

Val pretended to think about it "What kind of flowers?"

"Red chrysanthemums, daffodils, and irises." Lucas pulled the bags of seeds out of his backpack.

There was a reason he'd chosen these flowers, his Momma had told him there was a whole language revolving around flowers and Lucas had done his research. Daffodils said "the sun is always shining when I'm with you." Irises expressed "your friendship means so much to me." And chrysanthemums simply meant "I love you."

Lucas didn't know if Val knew the meaning behind the blooms or not, but he meant it all the same. Roses might have been the more traditional choice for romantic flowers, but they had never been a strictly traditional couple. With all the hardships they'd faced in the beginnings of their relationship, Riley and Maya and the drama surrounding them, it would probably have been easier to give in and break up. But, like William Shakespeare said, "The course of true love never did run smooth."

"Here," Val drew Lucas out of his thoughts, tugging him over to an unused planter "we can plant them in this one."

So they covered the seeds in soil, adding water to help them grow. The rest of the afternoon was spent potting plants and flinging dirt at the other when they thought they weren't looking. By the time the sun was setting Val and Lucas were dusty and dirty, but would have a beautiful garden before long.

When they kissed goodnight Val's lips tasted like salt and her peachy gloss. Lucas had to remind himself they were on a roof, now was not the time to lose his cool. They made their way back down to the Matthews apartment, sharing another kiss before Lucas headed home.

Val opened the door and found Riley sitting at the table, doing her homework. She looked up as her sister entered.

"Where've you been all day?" Riley wondered.

Val smiled mysteriously "Planting a garden."


Riley could have reacted childishly, like she would have back in middle school. Val had spent the day with Lucas, and though Riley understood now she had no claim on the Texan, that her and Val were happy together and probably always would be, she still had to fight the green eyed monster roaring in her gut. Even now, she still carried a flame for Lucas, he was her first crush, he was important to her. But Riley had learned the hard way that her anger and bitterness wouldn't get her the boy. She had learned to be happy for her sister, hard as it might be.

"That's nice."

"Yeah, it was." Val sighed dreamily before she pulled herself back "I was thinking pork chops for dinner. Want to help?"

"Sure, that sounds fun."

Word count: 967 words

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The Author

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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