Minor key

381 9 13

It was the day before the recital. Everything going well, but one thing. I couldn't do this anymore. I couldn't deal with the blisters, the hand cramps, and all the time I could have been with my friends watching cartoons or playing with them, but I had to sit in a cramped room with my hands falling apart in-front of me, and all I could hear was the dreadful screeching of my violin. Not only that, but Mari was always nagging me on how it needed to be "perfect" and how we can't make any mistakes on the big day. I couldn't do it anymore, even if it ruins our relationship forever.

Once I had this beautiful instrument , that made wonderful sounds and was full of memories, and next a pile of wood shards that dented the floor. Then all of a sudden, I heard yelling. I turned around and saw my older sister screaming, all up in my face. Her tears stained her pale, smooth skin, her eyes staring blankly, I could see the anger in them. Her long black hair covering one eye a bit.
"What were you thinking?! Everyone spent so much on that! And you just throw it away like garbage?!"
"I'm sorry-"
"I don't want to hear it. You ruined everything."
I just want to run away. I tried to leave, I try to run, but she blocks my path and violently asks where I'm going, I couldn't think, I want thinking, I put my hands on her shoulders and shoved her out of my way, forgetting we were atop of the stairs, I close my eyes, as I hear loud thumps, screaming, and horror. As it ends, a loud scream and thud hit the floor. I open my eyes, and see Marilyn's once brushed out, now is knotted and scattered with wood chips. What did I do? I run down to check on her, the once beautiful violin was stabbed through her chest. I checked her pulse.. but there was no beat.. she was..

It's over. All the laughs, all the cries, all the memories we shared were over. And I caused it. It's all my fault. I killed Marilyn Suzuki, I'm a murderer.


Shit. I know that voice anywhere. It's basil.. my friend. Did he witness it? I raised my head to check.. yup, it's him. He witnessed it all... and he took photos. I didn't mean to... I swear I didn't.. but... he asked something.

"Sunny, this might seem awful, but I want to help you.. what if.. we uhm.. frame.. it? As a suicide?"
What the hell? Why was he asking this? I can't do that.. but what would Kel think? What would hero think? What would Aubrey think? But what else am I gonna do.. go to jail!? I can't do that! So.. like i always do..I caved in.


So we took mari's corpse.. her body feels so cold.. but so light. We carried her body outside and placed it beside the tree, and I sat beside her. I curl up into a ball and cry, and basil ties the noose.. am I really doing this? Everything will be over.. what if they find out? All the memories the friendgroup shared are gone.. how am I gonna see them again if they don't know what I did?! I ruined everything for everyone just because I didn't want to play the stupid violin.

"Okay, the jump ropes ready." Basil was so ready for this.. how did he know how to tie these?! Did he practice?! I pick mari up carefully and hand her to basil and she places her head in the neatly tied rope. Then let go. My sister who i once came to for comfort was now hanging in front of me and the blood of it was on my hands.

As we walk back to the house, I look back once more. Her long knotted black hair covering her right eye and her left eye revealed and looking me dead in the eyes...

This was all my fault.


(700 words)

My sunny day (Omori suntan) pls stop reading this and read the remakeWhere stories live. Discover now