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Arno's pov

She was beyond beautiful. This was my first impression when I first saw her, the photo that Stallin send me.

My mind rewinded the moments at her place. I was actually surprised by the way my heart beated when we were close, inches apart.

"You seem like you are day dreaming" I heard Carlo say with a cheeky smile on his face before looking at Sehra who was asleep tied to a chair.

I looked at Sehra. She looked tired. Any one could clearly say that she cried. Her puffy eyes and thin lips. Her hair was a mess but still she looked beautiful. I have seen, met and fucked many women in my life but none of them seemed special as her.

I turned my attention to Carlo. He was my freind since I was 8. His father were freinds with mine but his father was killed by some enemies. So my papa kept him with us.

"Any information from Stallin?" I asked
"None" He said.
We both went outside the room that we were in.

Sehra's pov

I felt my head aching. I woke up slowly adjusting to the dark colour of the place I was in. Then it hit me. I was kidnapped. I started panicking but I couldn't move. My hands and legs were tied to the chair that I was in. I looked around to find myself in a huge room. There was no furniture in the room except the chair that I was in and a closed cupboard at the corner of the room. There was huge windows but it was covered by curtains.

I hear the door unlock and felt a drop of sweat going down my spine.
The door opened to show the man whom I remembered was the one who took me.

I was infuriated by his face.
"Hey princess". That's it.
"Dude who even are you? Why did you take me?"
" I told you darling. I wanted you. So I took you"
I rolled my eyes. "Uh uh don't roll your eyes on me doll." I looked at him annoyed.

He was handsome but he took me without my permission and even touched me.

"You know you were so cute that day at the party..especially when you were looking confused scanning across the room"
He was standing near the door with the wall supporting him.

He was stalking me.

I looked at him with fury in my eyes while tied to a chair unable to do nothing but glare.
"Fuck you" I spitted out.
He walked towards me taking small strides until he reached me and lowered his head to meet my eyes with a smirk on his face and said
"If you insist"

I couldn't say anything. I was struck at his words and at the closeness between us. I was pulled out of my world when he repeated " Do you?" with a smirk plasterd on his face.

"Uh wh-what. N-no." I looked away. He smirked and backed away turning to leave the room.

" Tell me. Why am I here?"
"You are not going to be here darling. I will take you to your room. Wait till Carlo make your room"
"Carlo?" I looked confused. "Yes"
"What is your name?" I gathered the courage to ask.

He turned around and came towards me with a smirk. He bent down so that I can feel his minty breath on my face. His tattoo could be seen through the gap between his shirt.
After closing the distance till his nose touched mine he said
"Arno Adler"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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