Depuis le début

But there was a problem, and that problem was soundly sleeping on his fathers chest.

“Kinn , you cannot make it a habit of him sleeping on your chest . Later on we will not be able to get rid of it. Give him to me ,I will tuck him on his own cot.”, Porsche said trying to take the little one from him.

“Come on , darling its not like that. I don’t always have him on my chest you know that, just his sleeping time.” Kinn told him without letting prapai go.

It was the usual routine for Porsche, trying to put his little bundle of joy to sleep while Kinn tried to convince him to let Prapai sleep on his chest. Porsche knew that Kinn loved the bond that came with it, but he also knew that he had to be practical.

Prapai was a stubborn little one, with a mind of his own. From the very first night, he refused to sleep in his cradle, preferring instead to snuggle up against his dad's chest. Porsche wasn't sure how to respond, but he loved the feeling of his son's warm body against his own.

As soon as Porsche had held his newborn son in his arms, he realized that he had a mini-version of Kinn in front of him. The boy was as stubborn as him. Kinn and Prapai , were both strong-willed and stubborn when it came to getting what they wanted.

However, he could not help but notice that his son had an unusual affection for skinship. No matter who held him, the little one would cry out loud if he was not held close and given a soothing touch. It was as if he craved the warmth of another human being, the comfort of being held close. At first, Porsche and Kinn, both found it sweet and endearing. They loved holding their son close and seeing him smile contently. However, as the baby is growing older, his need for skinship only seemed to intensify.

Although Kinn liked to hold Prapai at night , but it was always Porsche who always is holding their son. Even if he is busy doing doing something , Prapai is always with him. And that child surely knows it , cause whenever Porsche isn’t there holding him he will make sure to let everyone know that he is UPSET.

Now that is a habit Porsche is trying to get rid of . And he decided he will start it with his husband letting their son sleep in his cradle.

“Kinn, its not healthy. Come on now. It is becoming a bad habit. I cant put him in his naps this days without stipping of shirt and letting him sleep on my chest. And let me make it very clear to you I do not like doing it with house full of bodyguards when I am at work.” , he said irritately trying to take Prapai again.

That irritation tone must have caught Kinn of guard maybe that’s why he he slowly began to rose from laying down.
“What is it darling? Are you mad at me?”, kinn looked at Porsche with so much worry that he almost felt bad. But no. He is not going to let it go today.

“I am not mad Kinn, but I don’t know if you have noticed it or not, but Prapai seems to love touches , he always likes to be held. He gets fussy when someone is not touching him. He wont sleep if there is no bare chest. I am trying to cut down his habits. And you are certainly not helping.”, Porsche told him without raising his voice , trying not to wake up his sleeping son. And another concern was , it was very dangerous, if Kinn gets slightly distract on his sleep they could easily harm their son.

“Porsche , I know this. I am his father too. But just look at him . when I try to get him off, his face goes so sad, and he would start crying , his lips wobble and I don’t like seeing tears on his doe eyes.”, Kinn said while laying a gentle kiss on his head.

As a parent, it's hard not to be completely smitten with your own child. Porsche is no exception . Porsche knows , that their son is incredibly cute. His little munchkin may not even realize the power he holds over his parents with his cuteness .And sometimes he thinks maybe little munchkin knows that and he is just trying to get what he wants from his adorable self. But he is just a little kid, and kids cant do that.

“Honesly Kinn, I had known that you would do this. But come on , I thought I still have some to bring up my brilliant plan to stop you from doing this.”, kinn furrowed his brows.

“Do what?”

“Are you seriously asking me?”, Porsche couldn’t believe it.

“Yes”, Kinn was totally clueless. Porsche always wondered if a person can be this much clueless.

“This , spoiling thing. Prapai is not even 2 yet and you are always give in to him. I don’t even want to think what you will do in future when he would want something big. You would probably give it to him without any hesitation. What if he wants a car at 10, are you going to give it to him too?”, Porsche was seriously trying to not start an argument over this. But they need to get it over with.

“I had my first car when I was nine though?”, and as always Kinn just had to make a dumb comment making Porsches blood pressure rise.

“ Kinn , just to make it very clear to you , I am not raising my child how you were raised, and no offence to Korn , none of you came good without any screw loose. So a big fat no. I am going to raise him with you how I raised Chay. And seeing how Chay is today I am very proud and would like to do same with Prapai.”, Porsche knew it would get Kinn.

As kinn gently layed their child who was sleeping , on the bed, trying not to wake him up. Porsche was siting on other side of bed. Kinn came and sat down with him.

“Porsche, never in million years I would doubt you as a parent . You did so great with Chay , and I understand love that habits are dangerous to get rid of, but we still have time for that. Let us enjoy the time we have with Prapai now. In a few years he would probably shy away from our touches and will probably have all those teenage ego about skinship. So when we still have time let us enjoy it.”, cuping Porches face with and staring at his eyes , Kinn was probably trying to make Porsche less mad.

The thing is , Porsche understands it . Their little cub had grown so much in just a few months. It was like they blinked, and he went from being a helpless newborn to an independent, curious baby with a personality all his own.

Porsche loved watching Kinn with their son. Seeing him hold Prapai close, whispering words of love and comfort as the baby drifted off to sleep, it made Porsche's heart swell with joy. He knew that Kinn would do anything for their family, and that thought filled him with a sense of security and contentment.

“Ok , but only for a few months but after that we will try to make him sleep on his own cot and I don’t want any argument about it”, getting up Porsche tries to lie down with Kinn going on his side again taking Prapai on his chest.

As he looked down at his sleeping child, nestled in Kinn's embrace, Porsche felt grateful for everything they had. They may have been stubborn at times, but they were also fiercely loyal and devoted to each other. And that was something that no amount of arguing or disagreement could ever change.

The following morning brought with it a heartwarming surprise that left Porsche beaming from ear to ear. Their precious little one was nestled against Kinn's chest, eagerly sucking on his father's nipple.

Watching the interaction between father and son filled Porsche's heart with joy and awe. Even if he was trying not to laugh. Poor Kinn will have drool all over his chest. Serves him right.

Without making a sound, trying not to wake them up and loose his blackmail material .Porsche grabbed his phone and captured the moment in photographs, eager to share it with their loved ones. Specially on the group chat of his all uncles. Little did he know that his impromptu photoshoot would lead to a positive thing.

And needless to say when Kinn saw those photos , it didn’t take a few months in trying to right their sons habit. From then on he put their son on sleep on his own cot. At least something good came from it.

5 TIMES PRAPAI INSISTS ON SKINSHIP, AND ONE TIME HIS PARENTS DIDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant