Vol 1: Chapter 8: Swimming class and Papayanagi

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It may sound childish, but that's my true feelings. That is, If I even have emotions left inside me.

After playing for few seconds, I re-emerged to the surface and saw my classmates looking at me. I tilted my head by 14 degrees in confusion.

'Holy shit, she is like a child. She is super cute'

'wow we never saw our leader this much happier before'

'So she loves swimming huh?'

'How can someone be this cute and innocent'

'Is she the same girl who spoke coldly when she told Ike to stup up?'

Some were thinking out loud. Kiyone just shrugged it off as another thing that she couldn't understand about today's teenagers.

I got out of the pool. Chiaki and Maya approached me.

"So explain what was that Kiyone? You looked atleast 10 times happier swimming than when you hang around us" Chiaki poured cutely.

"Yeah, you are such a cutie". Maya squeezed my cheeks.

I don't think that's what Chiaki said. But Maya was in her own world all the time. Her stupidity is what made Maya as Maya.

Wow, I am such a good friend right? Always thinking positively when it comes to my friends.

"Don't be jealous even of the water Chiaki, I am always happy to spend time with you". I attacked Chiaki.

Even though Chiaki was well versed in psychological warfare, she is always vulnerable to my teasing. How easy, hehe.

"Wh- No don't think you can escape from me by tease me all the time. I am pretty mad at you". She is clearly angry.

Maya was already in the water. Chiaki was not talking to me. Let's try our secret weapon.

"Please Chiaki, I am sorry. I will do anything you ask" I emphasized anything.

"A-anything. Then a dat- I mean let's go to movie and shopping or something like that, just the two of us, since you made me mad". Chiaki's punishment shouldn't even be considered as a punishment.

I have decided to travel these three years with these 3 friends of mine. I won't expel them even if it means losing. Nah just kidding, that won't happen, it will be a last resort though.

I hope I won't be in a situation where I need to eliminate them to win. But if a situation arises, I won't hesitate.

It's a cruel curse on me. I can't change that mindset. For me winning is everything. It is paramount. If I lose, I die. That's how that place worked, that's what ingrained in my mind. And by die, I mean both literally and metaphorically.

Everything right now is an illusion. My freedom, the time I spend in this school. I very well know it, but I still choose to savour it. But I will never forget this is just an illusion. I will return to that place one day.

I am already forming many plans in order to eliminate that place. But I lack resources while he has the whole Japan back him up. He rules, he has the political power, resources and everything.

I single poor me can't handle such a thing, or can I?

I don't know, but I am trying that side by side. I am already thinking making connections to the third years so that when they graduate this year, I can use them to make moves against that man.

But it's too dangerous. Lives will be lost, but that's not my main worry, if I did any hasty moves and that man realises that, he will be in a dilemma to choose between me and that place.

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