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I fell asleep waiting for the others to come back. But I didn't sleep for long. I heard a big explosion from the ship that woke me up. "Ahhh!" Tsireya screamed. "Hey.. everything is going to be okay.." I said to her. "Lo'ak was on the ship!" Tsireya cried. "He's okay.. I promise.." I grabbed her hand. Tsireya looked at me and smiled. Everyone came back after a few minutes after the ship exploded.

We went back to the fish people village. Jake carried Neteyam into a hut so we can get him ready to give him to Eywa. I started to cry again when we tied him up. "I love you Neteyam.." I whispered to Neteyams cold sleeping body. He looked almost like he was sleeping. I forced myself to think that he was just sleeping, but he will never wake up. I helped Jake and Neytiri to put him down below under water. The floor of the water had pretty yellow looking grass. We sat him carefully down and he was slowly going further to the bottom. I gave him one last look and came up to the surface.

My eyes landed on Tsireya. She was crying while holding her brother Ao'nung. Tonowari told Tsireya to show us the tree. We got to the tree. "This tree kinda looks like the Tree of Souls." I hand signed to Neytiri. Neytiri smiled while hand-signing back to me., "It does.." We hooked our queue to the tree's vain.

Jake was talking to Neteyam, telling him that he misses him and that he loves him. I walked beside Neytiri and smiled.

This story isn't over just yet. Our love won't end here either. Are you and Lo'ak getting back together, you guys ask. That question is for later in the story. This story will get harder, sadder, and more hateful. Did I warn you yet, that this love story isn't what you expect? I realized how truly hard it was, really, to see someone you love change right before your eyes. Not only is it scary, it throws your balance off as well.

7 Months Past-

"Tuk! Wait up!" I yelled while running to chase her. I stopped because I felt something wet between my legs. "Tuk...?!" I yelled. "Ahhhh!" I screamed while grabbing my stomach. "Kai-kai!?" Tuk ran up to me. "Go get your Mother and Father..." I said, but Tuk looked at me. "Now!" I yelled. Tuk got up and ran to her parents. "Mom, Dad! Kai-kai needs help!!" Tuk said with her breath shaky. Neytiri and Jake turned their heads real fast when Tuk said that. They didn't hesitate to think about anything. They ran to me. "Kaira!" Neytiri yelled. "My-my water broke.." I said. Neytiri looked at Jake, and Jake grabbed me and took me to Ronal.

"Ronal!" Jake yelled. Ronal looked up while rocking back and forth with her baby in her arms. Her eyes widened and gave the baby to Tonowari. "Take the baby! Sit her down right here!" She demanded Jake and Tonowari. Lo'ak and Tsireya ran in to see what's going on. "You need to push.." Ronal said. I nodded and started to push. "Ahh.." I yelled a bit. "Come on, push harder!" She said. I started to push harder. "Ehhh!" "I see its head! Keep pushing sweetie!" She smiled. I kept on pushing until the baby finally came out. "It's a baby... girl." She said, I looked up to see her. Ronal held the baby. "Why isn't she crying?" I asked. "She... d-didn't.. Make it." Ronal frowned. "No! Try something! You got to do something Ronal!" I cried.

Ronal got some stuff out and put the baby on the ground beside me. Ronal started to blow in her mouth and poked her stomach and chest with a needle. There was a muffled cry that came from the baby. I started to cry by the way the baby cried. "Thank you!" I grabbed Ronal and hugged her. I picked the baby up and held her tightly. Neytiri came closer to see her granddaughter. "She's beautiful.. Kaira." Neytiri sniffed. The baby opened her eyes.. And she had bright blue eyes just like my Mother's Avatar. I hissed when I saw them.

"How!?" I hissed. The baby giggled while reaching for my ears. "Hmm?" Neytiri hummed. "The eyes.. She has my Mother's eyes." I said. "Oh my.. Don't get mad about that. She won't become her." Neytiri said. The baby smiled and grabbed my necklaces and started to nibble on it. "I gotta show Anna." I smiled.

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