2: Fuck This Shit

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I awoke after Darry and Soda were gone to work and it was just Johnny, Pony, and I.

"Hey, there's a rager at Buck's tonight. You wanna go?" the boys looked at me nervously.

"I don't know Y/N, Darry probably won't let us go. You know, since what you did last night." Pony explained.

"Nah, it's fine man, Soda and Steve can come too. That way Darry can't complain about me doin' dumb shit." I reassured.

"Fine but you're askin' Darry before we go." Pony said.

"Fine by me, let's go hunt some action." I grabbed my switch and leather jacket and headed out the door with Pony and Johnny in tow. We walked along the streets lookin' for something to do. We saw a convenience store that sold smokes so we decided to get a pack. A girl at the counter around Johnny and I's age was readin a magazine. "Go flirt with her, both ya'." I told them as we walked inside. Pony looked old enough to be 16 or 17 and had some of Soda's looks, which meant he could do just fine when it came to getting girls.

While Pony and Johnny stalled I went over to the smokes and stuck 3 packs in my pocket. I grabbed a bottle of pre-game beer for myself and went out the door.

"Well, I'll see you later!" the girl shouted after Pony and Johnny. They both had disgusted looks on their faces as they turned their backs to her. Once we got out the door I chuckled a bit.

"Well, what'd you think of 'er?" I asked with a smirk on my lips.

"She was clingy." Johnny spoke.

"Yeah, she talked too much too." Pony interjected.

"Alright let's go. It's gettin' time for Darry to come home, gotta go ask. Come on." I waved my hand at them. We began walkin' home when a Corvair pulled up next to us. They hopped out of the car and looked at us expectantly. I pulled out a cig and lit it with the lighter hanging around my neck. I puffed the smoke waiting for them to say or do something.

"What do you want?" I asked. Suddenly, a look of realization crosses one of their faces. He tapped his friend and pointed to me. "Point that finger at me again and it'll be on the wrong end of my switch." I threatened with narrowed eyes.

"You're that Curtis girl, aren't you?" one asked.

"Yeah, I am. So, you still wanna pick a fight, cause I could use the action."


Then one threw a punch at me. I quickly caught his hand and twisted it to the side. I kneed him in the gut and sent him to the floor. I looked at the other one and saw him walking towards Johnny and Pony.

"Come on, pick on someone worth it." I smirked at him and punched him in the face sending him back holding his cheek. "What? Did a little girl just hit you? Don't mess with them." I then punched him so hard he fell fully to the ground. That was my end goal in a fight. They either ran, or ended up on the ground. "Well, my work here is done." I wiped the dust on my hands and walked over to Johnny and Pony grabbing both of them by the hand and dragging them back to the house.

When we got back Darry was already home, in the kitchen.

"We're home, Darry!" Pony shouted through the house.

"In here!"

"Yo! Superman, can me, Pony, Johnny, Soda, and, Steve go to a party at Buck's tonight?" I asked.

"Pony, Johnny, Soda, and Steve, yes. You, no." Darry told me sternly.

"What the hell?" I shouted angerly, "Why the fuck not?"

"You'll do something stupid or get drop dead drunk." he pointed at me. I was filled with anger at how unfair this was. That beer from earlier didn't do anything except unfilter my mouth. I wasn't a lightweight, but boy did it have an unholy affect on me.

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