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Alexi's POV:

I felt a rough tap on my shoulder, turning around I saw none other than Vincent Enzo Gallo's whore. Giving her a fake smile, I hunched back over my eclairs, carefully piping them with my flavorful icings. Once again another rougher shove, almost making me mess up. With a glare I stood up locking eyes with her. 

She was in a white robe, her hair messy and makeup ruined. Mascara was running down her face and her lipstick which was a stricking red was now smudged. In short, if Barbie was a red-lipped whore, she was standing right in front of me. 

"Can I help you? I'm a little busy right now." I sighed narrowing my eyes at her, as she repsiprocated with a glare of her own. 

"I don't like how you are with Enzo, back the fuck away, I've been his favorite for over a year and you've known him for what- three days?" She grinned trying to be intimidating. Honestly, with her looking the way she did now, she looked more pathetic than ever. Father was always all macho and whatnot like Vince, but the sorry excuse in front of me was nothing like them. I started to process what she said and burst out laughing. 

"Seriusemente? (Seriously) Oh ma cherie (my dear), if you want him please take him!" I laughed, half lying. To be honest, I knew he was a man-whore but the fact I didn't see it for these first few days was nice. I could appreciate what my life now is compared to how it was, but this was nothing but a turn off. Still, part of me was a tad bit hurt. I mean, I couldn't really expect him to change his ways for me his arranged fiancee. 

"So are you done?" I asked not waiting for her responce, returning back to my elcairs. In the short span of my life Mother was alive, she always made eclairs. I don't have many memmories of her but one of them were of her with an eclair with strawberry frosting and three small piped roses running through it. I put my airpod back in my ear to muffle out whatever Stephanie had started saying now, as I began to do the hardest part- the roses. Softly piping through them, I grinned once I finished. I was about to pick up the eclair to take a bite, but then a slender, paper white hand swept through crushing the eclair and scratching into my hand. I took out my airpods with an expression of shock written all over my face. I felt her press-on talons seeping into my skin making me bleed, wincing I pushed my hand to her throat and began to squeeze, choking her. I watched as she scratched my arm trying to get me off, but I was aldready in a bad mood and this bitch made it so much worse. She was an inch or two taller than I was, so it was an understatement to say it was difficult to get a grip on her throat, but I was pissed enough to try.

I let go shoving her onto the floor, she held her throat as I began to clean off her scratches that she nailed into my palm. Then as if it wasn't bad enough I heard her scream like a canary, "ENZOOO!!! ENZO HELP!!" She shrieked. I covered my ear with my free hand, shooting her a glare. I raised a brow watching Enzo jog down the stairs looking between me and Stephanie.

"What the fuck is going on." He spat, his black hair was messy and unkept but not in the way Stephanie's was. His chest was sweaty and glistening as he ran down, thats when I realized he was only in sweatpants. I shrugged continuing to wash my clawed hand as Stephanie cried to Vincent, I never understood why everyone addressed him from his middle name.

"S-she choked me! I accidentally smashed her little pasterie and scratched her but she full on choked me!" She cried, fake tears running down her face. I was expecting Vince to go and comfort her or something, I mean she did say she was her favorite- whatever. Instead I looked to Vincent who stared at me with a shocked expression on his face. 

"Stephanie I told you to leave." He spat once he regained control of his face. I fought a smile as I saw her face contort from menacing and hurt to a wounded bird. She scoffed multiple times before leaving with a sob. 

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