• Tribute Interviews •

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Caesar smiles at her and presses a hand to his chest as the two of them sit down.

"So, Jewel. How's your stay at the capital been?" He asks.

"It's been lovely here Caesar, almost makes me sad that I'm going to be leaving so soon." She says, crossing her legs at the ankle and folding her hands in her lap.

He nods, the smile not leaving his face.

"But, can we expect you will be back soon?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

She laughs, "You can bet on it Caesar. I may not look like much, but I have a few tricks up my sleeves and a few wonderful allies."

Caesar looks surprised at the mention of allies, although I can't tell if it's faked or not.

"Allies? Would you mind telling us more?" He says, glancing at the audience who is waiting in anticipation.

"Well that would spoil the surprise, now wouldn't it Caesar?" She says with a soft laugh.

He nods, laughing as well.

"Of course, Jewel. Well we know how you have been in the capital, but what about back in district 8? How was life there?"

Her expression falters for a second, but she quickly plasters the smile back onto her face, nodding.

"Of course, Caesar. I lived with my mother back in 8. It's been just us for almost my entire life, my father has never been active in my life." She starts, pausing for a second to smooth her skirt down. "I have a few friends, and I say hello to them if they're watching this."

She smiles and looks at the camera, waving slightly, which earns a small 'aww' from the audience.

"That's sweet, isn't it folks. There's another aspect of your life I'm sure we're all dying to know about, does someone as stunning as you have a special someone back at home?" He asks, looking at her expectantly.

I find myself not able to stop listening or look away, wanting to know the answer myself.

She smiles and looks away sheepishly.

"No Caesar, I don't. But not for lack of trying." She says, glancing back over. "Most people in 8 find me a bit strange, if I'm being honest."

"Strange? How so?" Caesar responds.

"Well-" she hesitates. This is being broadcasted everywhere, so she has every reason to be hesitant saying anything about her personal life.


"I don't fit into the standards in a lot of things, but specifically with my preference in who I date." She says, and I narrow my eyebrows at the same time Caesar does.

"What do you mean by that, Jewel?" He asks, glancing out at the audience.

"I don't like boys, like most think I should, I like girls." She says simply, her gaze not leaving Caesar.

"Well I think I can speak for most of us here when I say that you're not alone." He says with a laugh, gesturing to himself, "I personally like both. What about you? Do you all think it's alright?" He asks the audience now.

There's cheers of support, and Jewels face flushes.

The buzzer goes off and Caesar frowns, looking back over at Jewel.

"Well, looks like our time is done, have a wonderful evening." He says to her as she exits and the district 8 male begins walking up.

I find myself zoning out again until I hear the buzzer and look up, realizing it's my turn. I grimace before smoothing my dress out and walking up on stage with a smile plastered on my face.

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