• Tribute Parade •

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I sat on the train, Cyrus leaning against me as we moved along on our course to the capital. My father had been allowed to say goodbye, as had Callisto. My mind was filled with worry, but it wasn't for me or Cy, it was for Cal. Being left alone with no one to take the beatings we would get at home, she wouldn't be safe. Father might even start her working with the cattle earlier than I had, which was at 14.

But Cyrus will be back soon, if I have anything to do with it, I reminded myself.

A few of the workers had tried to take Cyrus, to bring him to his room on the train and let him sleep, but I wouldn't let them. He would either wake up on the way and freak out, or he would wake up later and freak out. But no matter what, it was better if he was left to lay where he was. Safely snuggled against his sister, against me.

My hand ran through his hair absentmindedly as I stared out the window and watched the sky, stars just starting to show in the sky. The capital was still a good bit away. District 10 wasn't the furthest district from the capital, but it wasn't the closest either. It fell somewhere in the middle. It fell in the middle with a lot of things. It wasn't the poorest district, but not the richest either. It didn't have the least number of victors, but not the most either. It didn't have the best living conditions, but not the worst either. It was just… somewhere in the middle. I leaned my head against the glass and let my eyes close softly.


Apparently I drifted off at some point, because when I opened my eyes it was sometime in the morning, as I could see the sun rising.

I realized quickly that Cyrus wasn't lying against me anymore, and that there was a blanket over me as well. Most likely one of the workers, or my mentor- who I had yet to meet.

I stood and walked down the hall, listening to the sound of talking to try and find where everyone else was.

"-but it just doesn't work like that. If you kill the cow then it can't give you any more milk, but you get meat." I heard the voice of my little brother, his voice sarcastic, or rather annoyed?

I opened the door to see Apple, Cyrus, and two of the previous victors from 10. I recognize the female, Feather Onis, she's 21. She won her games a few years back at the age of 15, I remember watching it. She survived on her own, not killing a single soul in the games. When it got down to the last two, the other tribute fell out of a tree while trying to shoot Feather with a bow, impaling themselves with their own arrow that had been in their hand.

The male is not so recognizable to me. I sit next to Cy and he introduces himself as Mars Johnson. I ask about his games out of full curiosity and he tells me.

Half of the tributes died the first day when a pack of mutts attacked. He only survived by staying in a cave, blocking the entrance with a boulder. The mutts resembled something like a  horse, although a lot smaller and more agile. They also had very sharp teeth.

Then, he got in with the careers and stayed for a bit, constantly having his guard up as the games progressed until they trusted him enough to let him keep watch. He slit each and every one of the careers throats in their sleep, leaving him and 3 others. He waited for them to fight themselves and one day heard two cannon shots before seeking out the last tribute. He caught her by a river and threw a spear into her back, piercing her heart.

My stomach twists at the idea of befriending someone just to betray them, but when it's your own life on the line I suppose some people will do whatever it takes to make it out.

That's what I would have done, had it been only me who was here. But it wasn't just me, it was Cyrus. And he needs to get back to Callisto. I know that if he makes it out, she'll be okay with him there, so I push all thoughts of us both dying away and nod along with the conversation for the rest of the ride, eating a waffle and bacon.

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