I reached for the top button on my blouse and clutched my shirt, swallowing what felt like a lump lodged in my throat. He was in Oregon with Victoria's family... what the fuck? Did he pay them off?

I looked at the computer screen, then at Emma. "Do you know anything about Victoria?"

"His ex?"

I nodded.

"Not really. I heard rumors she died when they were in high school. But that's all I know. Why?"

I bit my bottom lip. She pretty much knows what I know, so I shouldn't say too much. But I will tell her something to see if I can get anything else out of that she may know, not realizing she does. "Callum was in Oregon these past few days—with her family," I whispered. "Do you think he may have given them money?"

Her eyes widened. "What? Why would he be there? With her family?"

I shrugged. "I thought maybe you'd know since he tells you everything. Because it was a shocker to me when I found out where he was."

"He never told me. I only know that he keeps his schedule blocked out every year at this time of year—for three days. He never says why. But they're the same dates every year. And nothing is ever spent to this degree when he's away those days."


Suddenly I got an idea. "Have you ever been to the club?"

She laughed.

"I take that as a no. So. Emma. What do you say we go somewhere to grab a bite to eat and then make a detour and head to the club to find mister moneybags and find out what the hell is going on? Because if he didn't spend that money, we need to go to the police and file a report."

She looked mortified at my mentioning the club and having her go inside with me.

I laughed at her expression and gave her a playful shove. "Come on, girlfriend. The club isn't that bad. It's interesting, actually."

Plus, I need to see what Callum is up to. It's not like him to cancel on me. He's only canceled on me once before. But I was okay with that since Monday nights are my nights with my sister, anyway. And I had canceled my time with her to spend with Callum. So it worked out anyway because I saw her while he did his thing.

But today? My gut is telling me something else and seeing all that money withdrawn from his account in two days screams something is off.

"We won't be going there to do anything sexual. We're just going to see Callum. He said he'd be there, and if he's got nearly six million dollars stolen from his account, I'm sure he'd like to know immediately."

"Fine. Let's go. The last thing I want and need is Callum accusing me of stealing from him."


I didn't know where we'd find Callum in the club, but I'm sure he's either in the conference room or Trent's office.

At least, that's where I hope I'll find him.

"I need your ID and papers, please."

Emma looked at me, confused. "Papers?" she whispered.

I looked at Lydia Deetz's twin and smiled. "Give her the bracelet. We're only here to find Callum, anyway."

"He's with Trent."

"I know he is. Do you happen to know if they're in Trent's office, or would they be in the conference room?"

She shrugged. "I have no idea."

"Thanks for the help," I muttered.

Lydia Deetz's twin smiled, saying, "You're welcome," then explained to Emma the club rules before sending us off on our mission to find the Harrison brothers.

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