5. ❤️Stuck❤️

Start from the beginning

"Oh please." Stolas rolls his eyes and walks over to the nearest phone.

That wasn't a no...


Blitzø packed a bag like he said he would. He packed some clothes, a few weapons, the usual shit he couldn't live without. He also packed a few...other things, just in case. He doesn't know how long Stolas will keep him there, and if he starts slipping there are a few things he could do to hide his regression, but he'd much rather be safe than sorry.

Stolas walked back into the bedroom and closed the portal once he realized Blitzø walked back in. "I have a room prepared for you, follow me." He says.

Blitzø was confused. "Wait, I thought."

"What? That I would insist we stay in my room room? I have so many, I don't see the need. However, I suppose you can stay with me if that's what you want." Stolas teases.

"No, no. That's fine." Blitzø says, a little flustered, he wished he didn't even ask.

"You are a funny one, Blitzø." Stolas says. He takes Blitzø's face in his hands; "You know, I'm only doing this to be sure you heal properly, nothing else." He promised.

"Yeah, okay." Blitzø says quickly.

Why would Stolas care? He can still fulfill his part of the deal with a hurt shoulder; it's only a minor bullet wound. He supposed Stolas was just making sure his little fuck toy didn't get himself killed before the full moon...

What other explanation could there be?

Past: Blitzo, age 13

Blitzo was sitting alone in his room, trying to calm himself down from the anger he felt; his eye being swollen from him and his father's argument. Let's just say that thanks to Cash, pain was never uncommon to the imp.

"Are you okay?" Tilla, his mother walked in unannounced.

Blitzo nods. "I'm fine."

"Let me see." She says.

Blitzo sits up, letting his mom examine the wound.

She gently held Blitzo's face to look closer at his eye. "Better put some ice on that." She says.

"I'm fine." He insists again.

But Tilla doesn't listen, she leaves to grab an ice pack and places it near his eye. "Hold it here," she instructs. "It should help."

"Thanks..." Blitzo says, doing as she told him to and held the pack where it was.

Tilla sits down on the bed across from Blitzo. "I'm really sorry he did that." She says. "He's drunk." She explains.

"Not the first time." Blitzo mumbles.

"Blitzo, you know your father loves you." Tilla says, "he's just-"

"Do I? And does he? Mom, he treats us like shit, he treats you like shit!" Blitzo says.

"Language!" She scolds. "I know your father is a complicated man, Blitzo, but-"

"Complicated?" Blitzo asks.

"Maybe if you didn't antagonize him, he may not feel the need to hurt you so much." She says. "You push his buttons even though you know the result!"

"Mom, it doesn't matter what I do! He'll just do whatever he wants anyway; and not just to me, but to Barbie, Fizzarolli, he even does it to you. And whats worse is that you- you just fucking let him do it! You just stand there and take it. You just watch this man beat and fucking sell your kids to whoever he wants! You just let him do it, why?" He asks.

"Because I love him." She explains. "And he loves me, and you. He cares about his family."

"No, he doesn't, you're just delusional." Blitzo says. "That man doesn't love anyone but himself."

"Blitzo, watch it." She warns. "Your father may not be perfect, but he does what he has to keep us safe. He takes care of us so we can have a place to live, so we can eat-"

"So, he can get rich." Blitzo mumbles.

"Do you not like having a place to sleep? Food to eat? Clothes on your back? You are very lucky, Blitzo. Don't be ungrateful." Tilla stands up. "You owe your father an apology once you've both calmed down." She says.

"Cash works hard? Yes, exploiting your children does seem like hard work. I seriously don't understand you." Blitzo says.

"You don't have to." She says gently. Tilla takes his face in her hands again and pets his head. "You will understand, someday." She promises. "When you grow up and fall in love." She kisses the top of his head gently.

Blitzo looked away from her.

Tilla sighs, then walks away to give Blitzo some space.

Blitzo watches Tilla's shadow through the tent, Cash walked over to her, right in front of the tent so he could not only see but hear them. "You have to stop babying him, he has to fucking learn not to fuck with me!" Cash says to her.

"He's just a child, Cash; why are you so hard on him?" She asks.

"He's not a child, he's disappointment, that's what he is!" Cash argues.

"You don't mean that." Tilla says.

"He gets on stage and fucks everything up all the time, scaring the kids and making a mess of things, he won't ever amount to anything." Cash explains.

"Cash, please, just give him a break?" Tilla asks. "He's your son."

Cash throws his empty bottle on the ground and walks away from her.

Blitzo shakes his head, he walks over to find Fizz's hand mirror to see the damage on his eye. If this is what love is, he wants no part of it.

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