Chapter 8: Waking Up.

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The blinding lights soon faded for Hilda to see a ceiling light shining brightly above her.

She looked around to see the first room she was in, except the room was lit, a computer was on, an EKG was monitoring her heartbeat, and a few get well soon cards were placed for her on a table nearby. Hilda could barely understand. So, was that all a dream?

Soon a doctor entered the room to check on her.

Dr. Taylor: "Why, hello there Hilda."

Hilda: "Who are you?"

Dr. Taylor: "My name is doctor Taylor. I've been making sure you've been healing from your coma."

Hilda: "...I was in a coma?"

Dr. Taylor: "I'm afraid you were dear."

Hilda held her hand to her head to feel the bandages from before were back. Everything was making sense, and at the same time, no sense to her, if that was even possible.

Dr. Taylor: "Is there something you want to say Hilda?"

Hilda: "...It's just that..."

Her thoughts trailed off. How was she supposed to tell her anything? Nothing of what she saw made sense. The doctor then kneeled down next to her bed.

Dr. Taylor: "It's okay, dear. You can tell me what's bothering you."

Hilda: "...Can you keep it a secret from my mum? I don't want her to freak out over anything that could've been just my mind playing with me..."

The doctor was hesitant, but the little girl seemed to care for her mother very much. A little secret won't hurt.

Dr. Taylor: "Okay, it'll be our little secret."

Hilda: "...Thank you..."

And with that, Hilda told the entire story to the doctor. The memories, the cameras, the monsters, the fear, the pain, the escape, she told her everything she could. The doctor tried, but couldn't to comprehend what could have caused any 'dreams' or 'nightmares' like what this little girl experienced.

Dr. Taylor: "Do you remember anything that could have possibly triggered these events to happen in your 'dream?'"

Hilda: "...No. Probably because it didn't feel like it was a dream..."

Dr. Taylor: " I am aware that it would feel like such, but, Hilda, you said a monster slashed at your arm, yes?"

Hilda nodded at the doctor, to which the doctor gently raised Hilda's arm to show that there was no slash on it. Instead, it was just what was used to get the EKG to monitor her heart rate.

Hilda: "But everything else, it just..."

She gave up. What was the point of trying to understand what can never be understood?

Dr. Taylor: "Your mum has been visiting daily, but she isn't here yet. I can you give some time to collect yourself if you need to."

Hilda: "Yes please... thank you..."

Dr. Taylor: "Of course, Hilda."

Dr. Taylor left Hilda alone, the little girl still questioning herself. Suddenly, the corruptelam of Hilda returns.

Hilda: "So, it wasn't a dream?"

Corruptelam Hilda: "Unfortunately, no. But that's what I'm here to warn you about, Hilda."

Hilda: "How did you escape the man in the suit?"

Corruptelam Hilda: "I have friends who are also corruptelams."

Hilda and The Lonely NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora