Chapter 4: Monsters.

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In a panic, Hilda bursted through the door and ran down the opposite hallway of the other creature, not planning on looking back to see it.
Once she was sure she escaped them for a while, she stopped to catch her breath and think about what she just learned:

Hilda: "...There are more monsters here?"

Hilda didn't like to use that word loosely, as she's seen many things that others can label 'monsters' without getting to know about them. But these things were different. There was an awful dread she got when being near them... whatever they were, that's what best fit them. 'Monsters.'
She then thought about how there was always a camera near her, but she couldn't find one this time.

Hilda: "I guess I have to look for one this time..."

She slowly started her way down the hallway, afraid of what may come her way.
When coming around a corner, she peeked around to see someone with long hair leaving one of the rooms... he didn't look like a monster. Before Hilda could try to talk to him, the man left in a hurry.

Hilda: "Wait!"

Hilda briefly ran after him, until the man said something that seemed directed to her.

???: "Get what I left you kid! It's not protection, but it's all I could leave you!"

He laughed right after.

Hilda stopped at this response. Did he know she was here the whole time. In fact, he didn't seem like he was a patient. His hair was near to his shoulders, he had ripped jeans from what Hilda could tell, and his upper clothes had tears everywhere. She decided to follow his advice and check what he left her. All Hilda found was a flashlight, which, as the man practically said, wasn't much.

Hilda: "Well... At least I can see a bit easier now."

Hilda turned on the flashlight and shined it around the room for a bit... no camera. Guess she'll just have to keep looking.

For moment she felt a presence at the doorway, as if something menacing were staring her down. The only thing that came to her mind was the tall man. She quickly turned around and saw nothing there.

Despite being afraid of these monsters, she found enough courage to journey forth and look for more clues, and maybe even a way out. She shined her flashlight around while walking down the corridors. An idea that came to her mind was to find that man. Although... what if he as 'friendly' as the monsters? He's human, right? What if he isn't human? Hilda snapped herself out of these thoughts and continued back to her reality. Then again, thought's like that reminded her of her mum...

Suddenly, Hilda heard some sort of snarl close to her and instantly checked to see what it was. She found nothing close to her, but one turn and she was looking at the tall man again.
Hurriedly, Hilda rushed into a room and slammed the door shut. She locked the door and backed away, hoping it wouldn't come back for her again.

A quick search of the room she was in led her to finding another camera, near what seemed to be a closet.

Hilda: "Finally! Please just tell me everything I need to know..."

Hilda walked to the camera and reached for it. That's when the snarling continued.

She slowly raised her flashlight up to see something that was definitely not human. It was humanoid, yes, but it was hairless, deathly pale, and assuming it's threatening scale compared to Hilda just by being in a crouching position, it had to be unusually tall, but not as tall as the other monster hopefully.

Hilda: "H... hi—"

The creature screeched as it lunged at Hilda. The girl screamed as she tried to get away, she ran to the door, but the creature caught up to her and slashed at her arm, causing her to fall to the ground in pain. Blood poured all over Hilda's arm as she cried in pain. The creature began creeping closer to her as Hilda crawled away from it. The creature stopped, looking at the door as if it heard something. It quickly crawled back into the closet, seemingly disappearing within it.
Hilda stayed where she was, laying on the ground, agonizing pain in her arm and blood spilled all over her. Laying there alone with nobody around to help her, she cried herself to sleep.

"...Where's my mum...?"

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