>𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬<

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Chapter 3 : It was never my choice Pascale.

Julliette had somehow managed to get to her private jet and had informed Alyssa her assistant about the plans. Alyssa was a middle aged woman who was very pleasant and helped Julliette with all her works, plans, diets and events. Alyssa and her had dropped off Olivia and Stella who had to board their on flights and promised each other to video call everyday.

Julliette was sitting in between the twins who were deep asleep. She had tried to call asleep many times but something kept her awake the whole time."you will have to sleep sometime you look pale" Alyssa complained without even looking away from her magazine she held. Julliette rolled her eyes. Sleeping and eating were hard after Jules left her. Hell everything was.

"mhm I'm trying but I don't feel like" Julliette whispered looking outside at the vast sky. "Really Jullie Pascale is going to be fine with you, Arthur and Lorenzo wil forgive you and Charles too maybe he will take a day or two but once he knows why you left he will" Alyssa slowly spoke as she stared at the scared girl who sat in front of her.

Julliette nodded taking in everything. "it's just they could have told me you know I would have been prepared, and mom" Julliette sighed not wanting to talk much about it. " you still haven't moved from Jules death sweetheart" the older woman spoke the truth. Julliette gulped not wanting to hear the truth that was the reality.

"you still have two hours to decide" Alyssa spoke again looking at her watch. Julliette sighed and closed her eyes thinking about how this could go wrong in all the ways. "I will try" she whispered which made Alyssa smile. " thank you darling " the women smiled.

Four of them had parted ways once they had reached Monaco the kids and Alyssa left for the Bianchi's house to have a proper sleep and Julliette too the hospital for Pascale. "Hi, Julliette Bianchi, I'm here for Pascale Leclerc" she breathed out as she she rushed in to the reception.

"oh my god it's her did you see the show" she heard a nurse whisper but she couldn't risk it. She had to lie low. " oh finally second floor, third room towards the left" the lady spoke calmly. Julliette walked across the stairs and towards Pascale's room. She walked slowly entering the room to see Pascale. She was her second mother always was there for her.

"hello Pascale" Julliette whispered. The older woman looked towards the door.A small smile spread across her face which reflected her heart. Even though Julliette had kept in touch with Pascale it had been six years since she saw her daughter. " Jullie" Pascale called out. Julliette slowly walked towards the elder women and sat down in the chair.

"I'm very sorry Julie the boys didn't pick up the call and you were the last one so I had to give your number" Pascale apologised. Everyone knew how busy the girl was her upcoming shows were so beautiful. Pascale felt bad for calling her but this was the only way left to meet her. "it's fine Pascale, how are you. you feel like going home" Julliette asked her with a smile.

The older woman stared at Julliette for a moment she had grown to a woman now. " Julie why did you leave" she asked. Julliette eyes widened this was the one question she didn't want to hear or to be answered.
"it's complicated Pascale" Julliette sighed. Pascale raised her eyebrows, Julliette knew now she had to tell her. Julliette didn't even try answering thinking about how much her past was fucked up.

"But that doesn't answer why you didn't call or visit us Julie" Pascale questioned. Julliette was very close to her family. She would call them thrice in a day to make sure they were fine. She used to do this when the the boys went for karting. "I-I couldn't Pascale after what you guys did I couldn't" she whispered. Pascale looked away remembering it. Julliette would never forgive them for this but that was the best thing to do at that time.

"You shouldn't have left" Pascale whispered to the girl who was looking away at the sky. "It was never my choice Pascale." She whispered. Her mother was sure about her decision. Sending her away Julliette just wanted to stay there and believe that Jules would come back but her mum sent her away.Just as then a doctor opened the door. " Oh you must be Julliette you can sign these documents and you can discharge her right after that" the doctor smiled passing the paper to her hands.

Julliette signed the papers and handed back the documents back to the doctor. " anything else or can I take Pascale home" Julliette asked as she was eager to go home. "sorry miss.bianchi but we still have some tests too run so she doesn't have any problem and then you can take her home" the doctor answered. Julliette nodded and went out to wait again.

Her phone started ringing as she took it to answer Alyssa."Hi sweetie how is it going" the older lady asked, " she asked me why I left" Julliette sighed looking down at her shoes. "you really can't hid the truth Julliette you have to open it and you know Charles will demand answers he never leaves without an proper answer" Alyssa spoke the truth. Julliette stayed silent soaking in the words.

"forget about it how are the twins" Julliette changed the topic not wanting to talk about it more. "They are fine I'm getting the house clean so I think by the time you come you can sleep" Alyssa told her. Julliette nodded hearing about the results. " I will try to be early, I'm somehow very hungry today" she spoke as she rubbed her tummy. " you haven't eaten anything in 11 hours Julliette what do you except" Alyssa scolded her.

"fine I will have something call me if you need anything" Julliette spoke before she ended the call. She stared into the oblivion thinking why she did it without knowing the answer herself. She felt disgusted to show her face again to the brothers. She had to visit Jules grave now. The time had come.
She just wanted to paparazzi to leave her alone for now which was the best thing to do now.

Julliette sat there all alone waiting for Pascale thinking about how she could do this. She was scared to visit Jules grave of all. The last time she saw that was before she left for newyork without turning back and cutting all contacts. It was already night. The tests were long. Julliette sat there doozing of too sleep waiting for Pascale so she could take her home and go back and never come. Until there was one who was staring at a sleeping Julliette with wide eyes. Charles Leclerc.


𝐋𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐇𝐚𝐳𝐞 &lt;&lt; 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora