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Bright light hurts my eyes even though they are fully closed. God damn. Why did fucking hangover always hurt like hell? I roll onto my stomach and pull the pillow over my head, nuzzling into sleep again.
Flashes of bright red hair and silky white skin keep appearing in my head. I groan as I notice my growing boner. This night had been fucking fantastic. Who knew Oklahoma girl would be that wild between the sheets?
I smile into my pillow already looking forward to another round of wild sex, when I hear the door slam shut. Fuck. Bill's home.

'Get up fucker.' He says and I feel him shaking me with his boot.

I groan at his rude wake-up service. No shit, this fucker has like the worst timing ever!

'God damn, asshole. Fuck off.' I mumble into my pillow and hear him chuckle. I wonder where Oklahoma girl disappeared to.

He rips my pillow away and I slowly open my eyes, swearing to cut off his balls.
It takes a few moments to get my thoughts straight. I'm lying on my bed, butt naked, with Bill standing in the middle of the bedroom looking down on me, laughing his ass off.
Lifting myself up a little, I look left and right. Where the fuck is Rylee?
I frown. Wow. I even remember her name.

'You look like shit, man. Get the hell up. We've got to rehearsal soon.' Bill says and I pull a face. All I can think off is I'm kinda bummed because my girl's not here.

Huh, worder where these thoughts are coming from.

Bill's blabbing something about the fucking gig and rehearsal.

I don't really listen to this shit. Even if we'd rehearse every fucking day for the next hundred years, we'll never be any good. That band is shit. But I don't say anything. Bill is really into it.
He scuffs off to the living room, expecting me to follow. Yeah, I get it man.
So I jump into my boxers and follow him. I drop down to the couch and run my hands over my face and my messy hair.

'What time is it, man?' I ask with a yawn. Where the hell is my girl? Bill sits down next to me.

'Way past noon, dude. What the fuck happened? Did you fuck that chick or not?' He snickers.

I grab my cigarettes from the table and notice how disgusting all that shit looks. Holy shit. I feel embarrassed for a second.
Lighting my smoke, I blink at Bill who's examining every single bottle on the table. Considering the size of my head, there isn't any booze left.

'Where is she?'

'Who?' Bill asks and shrugs.

'Oklahoma girl. She slept over.' I say and try to figure out where she left her stuff.

'I guess she ran out on you, man.' He chuckles. 'You are a lucky motherfucker, man. Don't need to get rid of her now.'

Bill's right. I usually don't let the chicks sleep over. They just get funny thoughts and all romantic shit in their heads. Like that Anna girl. She just keeps stalking me.
But why am I feeling kind of bummed? I should be happy she's gone, right?

'Shit. I really would've liked to bang her again. She was fucking wild, man.' I try to keep my cool even though I feel a little used. Shaking off these funny feelings, I take a drag on my smoke.

'I can see that, man. She even painted some shit on your arm.' He points out to my left arm. On the inside of my forearm I read: "go rajbh maith agat". What the fuck does that mean?

I look at Axl, puzzled. That chick is plain weird. First I pick her up, assuming she's some hillbilly country chick, possibly still a virgin, she turns out to be a hell of a drinker and a kinky sex kitten in bed. And after that incredible night she just bails on me and leaves mysterious messages. Damn, I want her back here right now.

'You know what that means, man?' Bill interrupts my pity party.

'I think it's Irish or shit. She turned out to be Irish. Outdrank me without even blinking.' I say

'An Irish Oklahoma girl?' He laughs. 'She so played you, man. Better check your cash and stash. Jeez, Izz. You're really that naïve?'

I look at him for a second. He isn't serious, is he? She didn't pull that thing just to rip me off, right? I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and remembered her trembling fingers on my skin, her moaning in my ear as I slowly slid inside her. No way had she faked that just to get her hands on my cash.
Tossing my cigarette into the overstuffed ashtray, I get to my coat and check my pockets. I can't help but smile. She didn't take a dime.

'It's all here. She took off with nothing. Not even bus money.' I say to Bill, feeling crushed that she didn't want my help at all. Bill grabs my smokes and lights himself one.

'Maybe you just didn't do her right and so she took off to find herself someone who can.' That fucker dares to chuckle. 'Damn, I should've been here sooner to help out.'

I know he's dead serious and for a second I'm thankful that I met her first. That fucker just gets all the stunning chicks. That may come with the territory of being the lead singer, I guess.

'Yeah, funny, retard. I did her right a couple of times, fucker.' I say annoyed and run my hands through my hair. I'm pretty bummed she left me like that. 'No need for Bill Rose to save the day. Thanks.'

'It's Axl now.' He says.

'What are you saying, man?' I have no idea what he's talking about and I have no interest on hearing another crazy idea of his. He always pulls shit like that and I end up asking myself why on earth I always put up with his shit.

'Changed the name to W. Axl Rose. Sounds more rock star. So Bill's gone for good.' He says with a smirk. Yeah, he probably thinks that's the best idea ever.

'Yeah, whatever man. Axl it is then. We'll never get a record deal anyway. That band is shit and you know it.' I say.

'I still think we're doing fine, now that Tracii is on board. But that fucker is insisting on changing the band name.' Bill... Uhm... Axl says. Yeah, those two fuckers don't get along. Tracii has some cash on his ass. That's probably the only reason Axl is accepting him.

'Maybe we should hear out again that Seattle guy I met. He plays bass.' I say. That Duff guy is cool. We hung out a few times. I think he'd be great for the band.

'That punk? You're serious?' Axl bursts out.

'Just thinking, man. He's cool.' I shrug this off. He's is not listening to me anyway. 'So tell me, where are we playing tonight? I can't believe we even got a gig, man.' He grins at me.

'Got a gig at the Whiskey. This will be awesome, man.' He says and I almost believe him.

Girl from Oklahoma (Guns N Roses - Izzy Stradlin)Where stories live. Discover now