Luz stops and realizes that she is being a little rude. "Sorry." She responds while complying. "Also you might want to take off the dirty traffic cone." She seems confused at my comment before taking it off and blowing the dust off of it showing it to indeed be a traffic cone. She blushes at this and puts it on the floor. I hand her a napkin and she cleans her hands before eating. "Nicely done." Eva compliments me and I nod taking the dirty dishes of the three of us who have already finished and start cleaning them.

Eva tries to protest but I tell her that it's fine. After a while both Luz and Eda have finished and Eda is the first to speak up. "Alright kid. No in response to your haste. Being a witch doesn't happen overnight. But a magic staff, huh? You really want one?" She stands along with Luz. "More that anything." Luz responds mushing her own cheeks while having a massive smile. "Magic staff, come to me." Eda calls out throwing her arm out and Eva shakes her head at this letting out a sigh. "Not cleaning that." She states as we hear a crash from the hall.

Eda's staff comes into view and smacks her in the head before dropping to the floor. She then picks it up off the floor before spinning her staff. "It's early." Eva smiles at this and I am leaning on the counter next to her thinking that this is probably normal. "Now witches are awarded their staffs from school. With me as your teacher, you'll be taking a different approach." Eda starts and Eva gives her own remark. "You still haven't taken me to make my own staff." 

Eda looks to her before giving a smirk. "You still have to wait a bit longer Owlet." Eva lets out a grumble before crossing her arms looking to her side. "You keep saying that." God she's cute when she pouts. Eda then drops a bag of potions in front of Luz. "You'll have to work for it." I pick up the bag with my right arm and Luz takes off the bathrobe before we follow Eda out of the kitchen. 

"I run a few businesses. On weekends, I offer rare human treasures that Owlbert drags over from your side of the realm." Eda explains before taking a toy sword of off a stand above the fire place to show us before throwing it to the side. "But most days I sell only the finest homemade elixirs and potions. I hold open the bag and Luz pulls out a bottle of snake oil. "Snake oil?" I ask and look to Eva.

"Trust me no one wants an un-oiled snake." She responds and Eda does a hand gesture to follow. "Follow me." She steps onto a balcony overlooking the cliff and onto the town in the distance. Must be a half hour walk at least, forty five minuets at most. "Today you three will deliver packages and sell potions to that town over there, *Points staff to the town* Bonesborough." I put the bag down before speaking. "What's the catch?"

"You'll have to be careful. I have rivals everywhere who'd love to take my business down and you guy's along with it." Eda states and I nod in response as she turns to Luz. "You wanted a dangerous magical quest? Sister, you've got one." Luz turns to her completely before saluting. "I wont let you down miss Eda." Eda looks to her unconvinced. "I'm sure." She looks to me and I sigh. "I'll keep her out of trouble." I respond. 

Eva comes up next to us throwing her arm around my shoulder. "And I'll make sure they wont get lost." Eva states and I feel like she has an ulterior motive but I'm to flustered by her actions to be able to figure out what. Eda on the other hand has a mischievous smirk on her face looking at her daughter. "Oh, I'm sure." She repeats in a playful tone causing Eva to blush, Luz also has a smirk on her face and I am left completely confused.

Eda then pushes out of the front door while giving us some advice. "Remember, never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once." I give her a strange look and Eva places her hand on my shoulder. "Just accept it." Eda then uses her magic to close the door. "Good luck!"


At least I'll get to spend the day with Victor. I look back and see Luz eavesdropping in the window. I walk up to her and hear my mother talking to King. "You and I know that Luz is going to get lost or eaten, probably both. And Eva is going to be making googly eyes at Victor daydreaming about him all day." Luz and I both go up to the window to retort with Luz pressing up against the window. "No, I wont." We both state before Victor takes us both by the waist in each of his arms taking us away from the window. "It's rude to eavesdrop." He states putting us both down.

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