Part 1

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Victor POV

After my late night escapade I return to bed and have a pleasant rest after. Unfortunately I am woken up by my very loud and energetic new roommate. "It wasn't a dream!" I fall out of the hammock in shock and groan at her excitement. "I am not a morning person." I look up to Luz and she dawns a sheepish smile. "Sorry." I wave my hand dismissively and Luz heads to the window her energy still high. 

"Good morning, terrifying fantasy world." She calls out and a sea monster with way too many eyes returns the greeting. Both of us reel back in disgust. She walks back to her sleeping bag and picks up King as I go behind a changing screen to put on my day clothes. "Good morning, you little cutie-pie." King immediately tries to pull away from her as she kisses him. "I am not your cutie-pie!" Luz pulls him in for a hug. "Yes you are." She puts him down. "I know." He responds lying down. "Morning Victor." 

"Morning." I greet her as I come out from behind the screen wearing a white hoody today since my leather jacket was ruined yesterday and I need to get a new one and she goes to change as well. I leave and head downstairs for some breakfast where Eva seems to be preparing some for everyone already. "Morning Eva. Sleep well?" I ask her and she turns to me with a smile causing me to become slightly flustered at the sight. "I feel like I should be the one asking you that but yes I did indeed sleep well." She responds and I take a seat while she places some scrambled eggs in front of me. 

"I slept surprisingly well, thank you. The wound on my shoulder didn't bother me at all last night. Besides a stiff shoulder I'm in peak condition this morning." Eva smiles at my words and I dig in to my food. She takes a cup out of the top cupboard and pours a red liquid from a carton box into it. The carton in question identifies the contents to be apple blood, wonder what that tastes like.

Eva then sits down next to me after placing the the cup at the end of the table. "So what's on the agenda for today?" Eva asks me and I think on it for a bit. "Probably going to explore town and the surrounding area. If this place is going to be my new stomping grounds then I'll need to get a grasp on the area in case I run into trouble." We then look to the stairs when we hear Luz squeal. "Well. She certainly is excited." I nod in agreement to her words taking a sip of my water to wash down some of my food. "Delicious." Eva blushes at my compliment and brushes a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Thanks, glad you like it." I nod my head before continuing. I look up after I take the last bite as does Eva and we both almost choke on our food when we see Luz in the doorway. She is wearing a bathrobe and what I thought was a witch hat at first glance but upon closer inspection I realize that it was a bent traffic cone. "Well that is something I did not expect to see first thing in the morning." Eva states and I can only nod in response. Luz doesn't notice us but she seems to wait at the foot of the stairs for something.

Once we hear a toilet flush then we realize who she is waiting for. "Good morning, Eda the Owl Lady. I am ready for my first day of witch apprenticeship." Luz happily exclaims raising her fist into the air. "Ugh! Who are you again?" Eda responds clearing spiders out of her hair and I almost laugh at this. King also somehow got here without me noticing and has started eating his breakfast.

Eda walks up to the table taking her seat at the end of the table and takes a sip of her apple blood. "Remember me? We freed the oppressed and defeated the evil warden together with Eva and Victor. Yesterday?" Luz explains and I wave my hand in response. "Morning." Eda nods putting her cup down. "Kid, lay off the details. I haven't even finished my cup of apple blood yet." She states turning to Luz. "You mean apple juice?" Luz asks and Eda and Eva both respond. "No." 

Eda takes a bite of her breakfast but Luz seems not to get the hint of breakfast before talk. "Teach me some spells. When do I get a magic staff? Was I supposed to bring my own runes? *Gasp* Do you have a dangerous magical quest for me?" I choose to interrupt her at this juncture. "Luz! Calm down and Eat your breakfast first. We can deal with your questions after okay."

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