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in real life

BREE LOUNGED ON the plush couch in the living room, scrolling mindlessly through her phone, her eyes glazing over as she stared at the same post for the tenth time. She sighed, feeling restless and antsy, but didn't know what to do with herself. Clay was seated on the other end of the couch, tapping away at his laptop, lost in his own world, making his presence known with occasional vocal stims. Bree knew he was probably working on something important, but she couldn't help but feel a little bored and left out.

As if on cue, Nick burst into the room, a wide grin on his face and a stack of board games tucked under his arm.

"Guys," he exclaimed, tossing the games onto the coffee table in front of them. "Wanna play?"

Clay looked up from his laptop, his eyes brightening at the sight of the games. "That sounds like a great idea, actually. What do you have in mind, Nick?"

Bree watched the other two chatter excitedly about different game options, her mind drifting as she took in the cozy living room around her. The Dream Team house was spacious and welcoming, with tall windows that let in a flood of natural light and a comfortable mix of modern and rustic decor. She had been staying with the boys for five days now, soaking up the

Florida sunshine and enjoying the company of her two friends.

As Clay and Nick debated the merits of different board games, Bree couldn't help but feel drawn to Nick's infectious energy and playful charm and how Nick's eyes sparkled with excitement when he talked about something he was interested in, and how his smile seemed to light up the room. She hated to admit it, but lately it's become harder not to look at him differently. Nevertheless, she pushed those thoughts aside, reassuring herself it was silly embrace the root of all these observations.

Eventually, they settled on a game, and the three of them settled in on the floor around the coffee table, snacks and drinks ready. Bree found herself laughing and joking with Nick more than usual, feeling a warm flutter in her stomach whenever he looked her way. Their legs brushed against each other under the table, and she could feel her heart racing. Every time he spoke, the woman found herself hanging on his every word, lost in his baritone voice. As the night wore on and they played game after game, she felt closer to him than ever, her heart racing with every teasing comment and playful grin. Bree felt a warmth spreading through her chest, and she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to kiss him.

But she pushed those thoughts aside, afraid of ruining their friendship. She had come to Florida to have fun with her friends, not to complicate things. So she kept her feelings to herself, content to enjoy the moment.

As they finished their last game, Bree realized she had had an amazing time. Even though the trio stayed inside all evening, she had never felt so alive. Nick's laughter and Clay's witty comments echoed in her mind, and she knew she would never forget this night.

Then the doorbell rang, and Nick hopped up to answer it. Bree and Clay could hear the muffled sound of his voice as he paid for the pizza, and then he returned to the living room, a large box in his hands.

As they dug into the pizza, Clay took his chance. "So, Bree," he started casually, "what do you think of Nick?"

Bree's eyes flicked to Nick, who was busy chomping on a slice of pepperoni. "What do you mean?" she questioned, trying to keep her voice even.

Clay raised an eyebrow. "Come on. You know what I mean. What are you going to do?"

Bree's heart skipped a beat as she tried to find the right words. "He's a really great guy, obviously. But I don't think I should let these... Feelings go on. I mean I've only known you too for a few months."

Clay nodded, but Bree could tell he wasn't convinced. "Are you sure?" he asked gently. "I mean, I can tell that he likes you too."

Bree felt her cheeks grow warm, but she shook her head. "No, I don't think so. We're just getting to be good friends."

Nick, who had been oblivious to the conversation, suddenly looked up. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Clay's trying to convince me that you're secretly in love with me," Bree confessed, her voice light and teasing.

Nick's cheeks turned pink, but he grinned. "Well, I wouldn't say in love, but I do like you a lot," he expressed, reaching over to poke her shoulder.

Bree's heart leaped in her chest, but she kept her expression neutral. "See, Clay? He likes me as a friend," she voiced, shooting her friend a triumphant look.

Clay just rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "You're impossible, Bree."

When they finished, it had finally hit midnight. They said their goodnights and retreated to their separate rooms, Bree lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. She thought about Nick's warm smile, his soft voice, the way his hand had brushed against hers as they played. She thought about how it might feel to be with him, to let herself be vulnerable and open.

But she pushed the thoughts away, burying them deep inside herself. She couldn't let herself get distracted, not now. She had worked too hard to let anything get in the pathway of her dreams.

The night passed slowly, and as the first hints of dawn crept into the sky, Bree finally drifted off to sleep, her mind full of uncertainty and longing.

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